PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome John and Alisha Queen to the 20/20 Club! John is from Upper Marlboro, MD and Alisha is from Boston, MA. Alisha tells us, "We currently reside in Boston, MA, where we raise our amazing and caring daughter, Shanda. In between working our full-time jobs and serving as Pastor and First Lady of our church, we made a vow to see the world with no regrets and to make sure our daughter is given every opportunity to experience this world and all that it has to offer. By saying yes to stepping out on faith and joining the PlanNet right after our daughter’s birth, we have never looked back and in spite of all that life has dealt us, we have kept our word of living the life we were purposed to live and ensuring our daughter and others do the same.
"I took my first cruise in 2016 and Shanda received her first passport stamp in 2018 when we took our moms to Barbados. It was the first time my mom had been back home in 17 years. Then in 2019, we did it again with a trip for our moms to Disney World to help celebrate Shanda’s 4th birthday in true princess fashion. It was the first time for John, his mom, and Shanda to experience the parks and resort. Through this opportunity, we have been able to visit Barbados, Disney World, Cozumel, Ocho Rios, Costa Maya, Grand Cayman, Roatán, Bimini, Nassau, Aspen, Quebec, Tuscan, Tortola, Bermuda, St. Thomas, and Cancun. Next year we will add more of the Caribbean and Tanzania for the celebration of our 10th wedding anniversary. 'The world is too big to stay in one tiny spot.' - John Queen
"A tip I would pass along is to attend any all meetings you are qualified to attend. This includes in-person and online meetings. The more you plug in and pour in to the business, the more it will pour into you. If there is no local meeting in your area, then start with the online meetings so that you are fed by our culture. Be coachable and stay connected to your leadership, this is how you will help yourself and others grow with you. Keep following the system and remember we are all here to press into our purpose.
"We love to take an excursion during every trip so that we enjoy the culture and surroundings of the places where we land, yes even if it is within the states. Throughout this journey, we have fun, make memories, and most of all create a space where our daughter is involved in this journey and not left behind. Because our daughter is growing up in this environment, she also understands that with this culture there are experiences she is able to have because of the sacrifices her parents make with growing the team and attending meetings so that she can have more. We always want folks to remember that they are serving a bigger mission and greater purpose so that means waking up earlier, staying up a little later, and feeding your mind daily to stay encouraged. 20/20 is just the beginning for us; there are many more families to be blessed."