PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Gretchin Diggs to the 20/20 Club! Gretchin tells us, "I was born and raised in the Hampton Roads (757) area, also known as '7' cities consisting of Norfolk, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach, Suffolk, Newport News, Hampton, and Chesapeake because the cities are so close together. It is like one big family and it is the largest military town, home of the world's largest naval base. Currently I reside in the resort city of Virginia Beach. My interests include DIY and craft projects, and I love to be outdoors, listening to the sounds of the ocean and nature. I love the thrill of roller coasters, new experiences and learning new things.
"As a child, traveling was limited to the neighboring states on the East coast and amusement parks in our local area. At 30 years of age, I took my first international trip to the beautiful Caribbean island of Jamaica, which I adore and have since visited 13 more times with no plans on stopping. I love learning about new cultures, food and seeing through the lens of others.
"I’m naturally a people person and I adore travelling! My organization has grown to twenty plus and I credit it to two things. First, I think genuinely helping others at the core of what we do is top tier. And second, remaining coachable, humble and consistent are key. My why is continuing to create a better life for my five-year-old son.
"Some fun facts about me are that I love canvas painting, music and quotes! And I am deathly afraid of large birds. My all time favorite quote is: I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou