Meet New 20/20 Club Member Sarah De Corday-Long!

PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Sarah De Corday-Long to the 20/20 Club! Sarah tells us, "I have lived in London my whole adult life; I thought I would live abroad, but London is home…! No surprise to hear that travelling is my biggest interest! I love reading about new hotel openings and planning adventures with my family as well as with my friends. Annual girls' trips are like therapy! My kids are 9 and 11, and my husband owns a cafe near their school so that keeps us busy. We are renovating our home and love seeing friends, planning events and basically going abroad when we can. 

"I was born in Dubai and lived abroad until I was 16, in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Macau, Ascension Island and St Lucia. I spent my first birthday on a tiny island which was four miles by four miles called Nauru on the Pacific Ocean, where we lived for a year. My Mum was from Denmark and met my British Dad in Trinidad in the 70s and they got married there within the year. She then moved to Spain in her 50s, so I guess you could say travelling is in my blood. It’s something I want to instill in my kids too and luckily they are up for it! My husband and I got married on the Spanish island of Mallorca and one day we WILL live abroad!

"I am achieving success at PlanNet Marketing because I simply talk about it as if people are mad not to make the most of the opportunity! I talk about it to anyone, anywhere, at any time. I also learned to find someone you admire and copy what they do and say; the Directors and wider team in this business are so supportive and inspiring so I just try to do what they do. 

"I’m pretty obsessed and I believe in the success of this business and that I will make it work. I hope to show people how to be comfortable and confident in sharing the opportunity with others, that you have the ability to change people’s lives, so don’t keep it from them!

"A fun fact about me is that this is a year of firsts for me. In January, I joined this business, we finally got a dog, I started karate with my 11-year-old son and also just recently got my first tattoo. I’m excited about what’s next!"

