PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Norma Johnson to the 20/20 Club! She tells us, "I was born and raised in Jamaica, moved to the USA in early October 2001, less than a month after 9/11, in pursuit of happiness and to help my other siblings and their children attain a better life. I am currently living in Albany, NY. I am married with a six-year-old princess. I operate an in-home childcare business and an herbal website.
"My interests include helping people globally, whether it be HEALTH, WEALTH or HAPPINESS. I enjoy motivating and inspiring anyone who crosses my path. Dancing is my favorite hobby. I am the 11th of 12 children by my mother. I love cooking any food, even though I am a vegan 98% of the time. I love being childlike, having fun with anyone, and laughing. Traveling the world is something else that I love, because I enjoy meeting people from every single part of the world.
"I have traveled to many different states in the USA. I enjoy staying at hotels and resorts with both friends, family and acquaintances very much, because it helps me to meet different people from all walks of life. In 2014, we went to Puerto Rico on a Carnival cruise and have visited Turks and Caicos and a few more Caribbean islands. I have recently travelled to Atlanta, where I got the chance to meet the founder of PlanNet Marketing, Donald Bradley, who is so down to earth. Disney was also an awesome trip with my hubby and six-year-old daughter in June.
"I am achieving success by staying plugged in to most of the meetings, the Morning Vitamin call, Basic Training and International Locker Room calls, and large team meetings. I stay plugged in to my coach and mentor, and read books and listen to motivational speeches. I remain plugged in to my team; I eagerly pass on any help I receive to them. I mostly prospect on Facebook, and I get them locked in with either a video or a Zoom. I have done numerous one on one blitzes, and am getting used to Zoom parties. I have gotten into bootcamps and so many other ways of communicating such as texting, calling and speaking to people face-to-face when I go outside my home, which is mostly on Sundays. I do Facebook lives and posts.
"I really know there are a lot of people out there praying to have a chance to just take a bill off the table most times; sometimes I imagine those people on their knees praying and I just see myself as their answered prayer.
"Some tips I would offer would be to keep at it, be consistent, reach out when you feel overwhelmed, move past your fears, and keep sharing this opportunity. People are noticing even when they are not saying anything; never be a secret agent. There is someone always praying, so cross the ocean; nowadays, we do not need to use any form of transportation to reach people with social media. Use it if you must to reach that one."