Meet New 20/20 Club Member Kimberly Perkins!

PlanNet Marketing welcomes Kimberly Perkins to the 20/20 Club! Kimberly was born and raised in NYC, and grew up on the east side of the Bronx. She currently resides in Covington, GA, approximately 45 minutes east of Atlanta. She tells us, "I am married to my supportive husband, Walter Hale. He has been encouraging me and having my back for the last 16 years; nine of which I have been busy in network marketing. I love spending my spare time with my family. I have three grown children and eight beautiful grandchildren. I call them my 'Great 8!'
"We also enjoy traveling and learning about new cultures. Our first cruise was to the Bahamas. My husband and I actually got married on the ship while it was docked in Florida. Then we
partied for four days straight with our closest family and friends. I think it was then when we caught the 'travel bug.' We have been traveling ever since! We have been to several countries over the years and most recently returned from a beautiful trip to Costa Rica. When I travel, I prefer all-inclusive options. I want to be able to relax and have everything I want to do nearby.
"As far as my success at PlanNet Marketing, I attribute it to my incredible upline who is always available for support, training and coaching – Two-Star Director William Thurston and Gold Plus Builder Janice (Sunday) Chandler. I also attribute it to my dedicated and loyal downline who always pushes me to be the best 'Kim' I can be! This company gives you all the tools necessary to be successful. You are provided the training, websites and even an app to run a successful business. If you lose here, it is definitely because you are not putting forth the effort.
"My advice for anyone who wants to grow and have a solid and fruitful organization…plug in to the company, your upline, stay focused and encouraged, but don’t get discouraged. If you are not getting the support you need from your sponsor, find someone in the organization who you identify with and follow them. Mimic what the leaders before you have done. They have laid down the foundation, we just have to follow the steps. Always remember, you got in this business to make money. Don’t let ANYONE interrupt you from securing your bag! Most importantly, have FUN! Most of us are still working a 9 to 5 that may be stressful. Don’t bring that energy to your business. After all, we are in one of the best industries in the world, TRAVEL!
"A fun fact about me is that I got a puppy last year. He is a 'Chiweenie' and his name is Cooper. I call him my son and I spoil him rotten. He loves receiving Amazon deliveries. He has his own Instagram page 'coopersadventurz' and has some loyal followers. He keeps us on our toes and we love him to pieces!"