Compliance Corner

Dos and Don’ts for PlanNet Reps

The DOs and DON’Ts for a PlanNet Marketing Rep Selling the InteleTravel ITA

PlanNet Marketing engages independent sales Reps to sell one product only: The InteleTravel home-based travel business, the “ITA.”

Here are the MOST IMPORTANT points for every Rep to know and follow when selling ITAs.
(watch our compliance video to learn more!)

1) Reps ALWAYS sell the income opportunity - ONLY! This means the Rep talks about how InteleTravel Agents earn commissions by booking travel for others (not booking for self/savings). DO NOT say "Earn Back Commissions" as that is referencing booking for self and getting some of your own money back as commissions. Just say “Earn Commissions.” DO NOT say that "some people join just to book their own travel." Even if that is true, it’s not compliant – we sell a Travel Business, a way to earn income booking travel. We do not sell a savings club.

2) Reps DO NOT talk about Travel Agent Rates, Discounts or Perks when selling the ITA. ITAs should ONLY talk about rates they can SELL to their customers. Reps should NEVER mention any special rate or travel discount for ITAs. Reps do not sell travel agent “perks” as an inducement to purchase an ITA. The ITA product does not need to be sweetened up with special deals or incentives – it’s a fabulous business and will sell itself!

3) Reps DO NOT talk about Being a Travel Agent and Selling ITAs. Travel Agents DO NOT Sell ITAs! ONLY PlanNet Marketing Reps sell ITAs. InteleTravel Agents sell travel bookings. This means don’t say things like, “I can book your next holiday OR I can show you how to do it yourself and earn your own commission!” That is mixing both the Agent and Rep business into a
single advertisement. We never want to mix the selling of an ITA business by a PlanNet Rep with the selling of travel by an InteleTravel Travel Agent (ITA) or anything else - at all. The Rep
business is separate!

4) Reps DO NOT use Travel Supplier names to sell the ITA! When selling the ITA - Reps do not mention travel supplier or property names (ex. Marriott, Royal Caribbean, Disney, Tui, etc.)
Travel Agents talk about suppliers whose products they sell. Reps don't do that - Reps say things like, "An ITA can sell EVERYTHING Travel - you will be so impressed with all the partners
our host agency is working with and your customers will be excited to book with you!" These companies only allow the use of their names to sell their own products - not to sell the ITA,
which is our product.

5) Reps DO NOT sell an ITA as a way to “get you your license.” Do not tell prospects that buying an ITA will get them any licensure. All travel licenses are held by InteleTravel, ITAs do not get their own license. They use the host agency’s license. This should not be a selling point for Reps to highlight.

6) Reps DO NOT use the term "unpaid travel agent" with a prospective purchaser of the ITA business. Even though a person might be booking their own travel or living a lifestyle of traveling prior to becoming an ITA, simply not earning commissions does not make that person an “unpaid travel agent.”

7) Reps are LIMITED in their use of price comparisons to show the value of the InteleTravel ITA (PlanNet Reps don't have access to travel pricing - only Travel Agents do.) If you want to show an example of travel commissions that can be earned, that is allowed if no website information or supplier information is included (no screenshots), if the rate is a real and sellable rate, and be sure to show 70% of the commission earned by the actual Agent (as InteleTravel is paid the other 30%). Please see example below. The more information you offer about the effort necessary to book and earn as an Agent, the BETTER. This is not a get rich quick business. It requires WORK.


Please contact with any questions or concerns.

-- Policies and Procedures are located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).

 ~Amanda Restivo, VP, Compliance --

