1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights?
I was born in Washington, DC, but I'm a military brat. I currently reside in Madison, AL ROLL TIDE. I have been happily married for 28 years to Derrick Brown. I have three adult children, Derrick Jr., Tyrese, and MaLeah and two grandchildren, Nyla and Micah. I enjoy helping people and empowering them. I have celebrated reaching Bronze, Silver, Gold Plus, 20/20, and Directorship, but I'm not finished!!
2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
Since joining PlanNet, I have gained a true understanding of emotional intelligence. Reading the suggested books by our leaders will expedite your growth if you apply it. I am a leader in my church, but it is not the same as leading in my business. I am grateful for my coaches who have shown me by example how to lead a team. I am still learning and willing to grow.
3. What drives you; what motivates you?
I was originally driven by the potential I saw at a Huntsville opportunity meeting. I have always been a person who refuses to stay at entry level in anything. Seeing the evidence let me know it's available for me, too. The thing that continues to push me is desiring true freedom. My husband has built a very comfortable life for our family, but we realize comfortable is not always safe. We are all one crisis away from financial hardship. So as Mr. Moore would say, why settle for WELL when WEALTHY is available?
4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
There are a few people I could list, but for this piece I will say Letoria Mayberry. I am not financially tied to her in any way, but she treats me like I am. She pours into her team along with the other adoptees :) She teaches, trains, develops, appreciates, and cares. In fact, it was at her home that I hit One-Star. She wants to see everyone win and she is willing to help them achieve it.
5. The three words that describe me best are:
Resilient, servant, and teachable.
6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
Be honest with yourself. Although it may seem like things are working against you in the business, be aware of you. Work on your attitude. Do the work. Let people help you. When you fall short, own it so you can move forward. Remember that you are a part of a bigger team. If it hurts the team, it certainly isn't going to help you because we are all one.
7. What does your life look like five years from now?
God willing, five years from now I will have all three freedoms (TIME, PERSONAL and FINANCIAL). I will be traveling the world doing ministry and empowering women. I will continue to help families to secure their freedoms, as well.