1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family hobbies; past business highlights.
I was born and raised in Charlotte, NC and I currently reside in Rock Hill, SC. I am a wife of 20 years, mother of four and nana of 18 little people with two sets of twin grandchildren. My hobbies include singing and reading. PlanNet Marketing is my first business venture and my boat has definitely been burned as "I'm All In."
2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
I have definitely been stretched from the person that I was on October 28, 2017 by plugging into the culture and vision of PlanNet Marketing and following the dynamic leadership that has been put in place for everyone's success.
3. What drives you; what motivates you?
What drives me are definitely my grandchildren. They are my whys. Motivation definitely comes from within. I have some amazing mentors and coaches in life and in business who assist in keeping me rooted, grounded and covered in prayer.
4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
My role model is Pastor Shirley Douglas. She has assisted in cultivating me into the woman that I am today for over 25 years. She does not tell you what you want to hear but what you need to hear, and I'm definitely grateful for her guidance.
5. The three words that describe me best are:
Integrity, Ambition and Loyalty.
6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
Remain coachable and stay out of your feelings. There is no money there. In order to get what you don't have, you must do things that you have never done. Stay focused on the goals and keep them before you. Greater is still to come.
7. What does your life look like five years from now?
I will definitely be retired from my corporate job and criss-crossing the globe to change lives all over this world.