The Leadership Spotlight Shines On: Penny Ross

1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family hobbies; past business highlights.
I was born and raised in Buckinghamshire, UK. I’ve moved about quite a bit in my lifetime, having lived in 17 different homes; however, I finally settled in Marlow 12 years ago after meeting my husband. We have two children and I feel so blessed to live where we do. We love going for walks along the river Thames and being a short walk from our picturesque town. We live for our holidays, so when I stumbled across this opportunity it was an absolute no brainer for me to be part of it.  

2.​ How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
I’ve been on such a journey since I joined. I didn’t realise how much personal development I needed to do on myself - I don’t even recognise the person I was before I joined PlanNet. After becoming a mum, I lost myself a little and this business has enabled me to find me again. It’s given me a whole new lease on life and perspective. Gaining the willable income for my children was such a proud moment as I didn’t come from a wealthy family, so knowing I am building a legacy for my family that will outlive me still blows my mind now. I’ve met the most incredible people, made friends for life and I just want to show everyone out there that anything is possible.

3​. What drives you​;​ what motivates you?
My children and my husband are my main driving forces. Everything is for them. The motivation to give all of us the financial freedom is key too. But ultimately, I’m so driven by helping others. All I want to do is help as many people as possible live that extraordinary life that they desire. My mission is to help every single one of my team gain Directorships and pour as much into them as I can.

4. Who would you consider​ a​ role model and why?
I don’t have one specific role model but there are a lot of Directors I look up to in this business whom I have followed on my journey and have huge admiration for. I also feel so inspired when I have someone join my organisation, they have a vision and they just absolutely run with it. It doesn’t matter whether someone is doing better than me or running alongside me, if they have a goal, they show up and they continue to put in the action to bring them success, those people for me are true role models.

5. The three words that describe me​ best​ are​:
Passionate, ambitious and resilient.

6​.​ If you had​ some sound advice to give​ to anyone​ what would​‌ ​it be? 
Block out anything that doesn’t serve you – your mind will continue to believe whatever you tell it. So be positive at all times, surround yourself with people who will increase your vibrations and won’t lower them. You can have the life you dream of – it might take hard work and the road to get there might be a bit bumpy, but what’s your alternative? Nothing changes, if nothing changes.

7. What does your life look like five years from now? 
I’m so excited for that life. I am ridiculously grateful for the life I have now and what this opportunity has already provided me, but I am so excited for what’s to come. At the moment I’ve helped hundreds of people, in 5 years time I want to have helped thousands and be a Four-Star Director. There are so many places in the world we haven’t been yet as a family so having ticked many more off our list by then will be incredible.

