1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family hobbies; past business highlights.
I was born and raised in Harrisburg, PA (Uptown baby). I currently reside in Cary, NC where i’m surrounded by the ones I love most. My AWESOME husband of 30 years, (SPOILED - happy wife, happy life) retired US ARMY, SFC Spencer Waters, mother of FIVE beautiful daughters and active grandmother of 6 AMAZING grandchildren, 4 girls and 2 boys. My family is the heart of everything that I do and they continue to inspire me everyday! Outside of PlanNet I love traveling and have a deep love for singing, where music is my first love and has ALWAYS been my CALGON, my source of peace and joy, which allows me to express my faith, feelings and emotions in a way that words alone cannot.
Receiving awards such as the Fireball, Impact Player, Top Recruiter as well as achieving 60/60 Club and the rank of One-Star Director in just one year are humbling milestones and living proof of how far I’ve come and fuel my passion to keep pushing to encourage, inspire and empower others.
My journey has been nothing short of AMAZING!
2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
Every day of my life reflects a story of growth, faith and purpose. Overtime, I’ve learned and developed the importance of consistency, leadership, and perseverance. I’ve developed stronger time management skills where I’ve learned and still am learning to balance my roles as a wife, mother and grandmother, while creating a life that allows me to pour into others while still yet growing myself.
3. What drives you; what motivates you?
My family and the thought of being financially FREE are my #1 things that drive and motivate me! Every time I look at them it reminds me of why I work so hard to build this legacy. To continue to give them the life they deserve now and long after I’m gone. I also have a real strong love and am very passionate about helping people. If I can make a difference in one person's life daily, then I know my work here on earth isn’t in vain!
4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
I have lots of individuals whom I admire but my all time are my parents! Mainly my mother! I’ve always been a mommy & daddy’s girl! I could write a book on these two. I’ve watched them endure and overcome so much and not mumble a mumbling word. They were the embodiment of Faith, Grace and Love. Two of the most extraordinary, strongest, God-fearing people I know who instilled in me the values that guide my life and work ethic and continue to shape the woman I am today. They worked full-time jobs, active in the church ministry, and dedicated their lives to our family and helping others. My parents demonstrated a balance of faith and action, love and discipline, compassion and strength. They are my role models not only because of what they accomplished but because of how they lived! They were always supportive and encouraged me in all that I did. Oh how I miss them. (With tears in my eyes) continue to Rest In Paradise mommy n daddy.
5. The three words that describe me best:
Jeesh just three (Lol)
Compassionate, Determined, Relentless
6 If you had some sound advice to give to anyone, what would it be?
The best advice I can give is to just DO IT!
Step out on Faith and bet on YOU! Don’t worry about the nay sayers, you’ll get plenty of them. Be coachable, be true to yourself, lead by example, don’t suggest your team do something you wouldn’t do. Be consistent and have FUN! If you’re not excited about what it is you’re doing, then no one else will be.
Be kind, do the work and NEVER quit! Remember what God has for you, it is for YOU!
7. What does your life look like five years from now?
In five years I’d like to be financially FREE! Able to retire my husband and travel the world! Continue to help families change the trajectory of their lives as a whole within this industry. Having birthed hundreds of Directors. Just living my BEST life worry and stress FREE!