The Leadership Spotlight Shines On: Nicole Berry

1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family hobbies; past business highlights.
My name is Nicole Berry, I am 20 years old. I was born and raised in London in the UK. I have a very supportive family who take recognition of my achievements and my progress in this business. I have always loved travelling. I went travelling in September 2023 for four months before I decided I wanted to travel and earn remotely as a living which I can now call my life all thanks to taking this seriously!!!

2.​ How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
I have grown massively as an individual the past six months of being in PlanNet Marketing, I have learnt life skills, I have painted my future, I have grown as an individual, I have helped guide others in the path they would want to go down and I have also created an incredible residual income for myself and my future.

3​. What drives you​;​ what motivates you?
What motivates me? TRAVEL, MONEY and HOUSES. Knowing that my life is going to be based around more travel, more money and investing in properties seems so surreal to me at 20 years old. I am also motivated by my rapid progress I have had within my six-month journey. 

4. Who would you consider​ a​ role model and why?
I would consider Rachael Lalji and Lili Bajja as role models. I love how both of them are nothing but honest about this business, how they showcase their lifestyles, and the progress they have both had in the industry. I will follow exactly in their footsteps! 

5. The three words that describe me​ best​ are​:  
The three words that describe me best are willable, coachable and money hungry.

6​.​ If you had​ some sound advice to give​ to anyone​ what would​‌ ​it be? 
My advice to everyone would be: don't let anything hold you back from your dreams, whether that be work, family, relationships, friends or your conscience mind. You have the world at your fingertips. 

7. What does your life look like five years from now? 
My life five years from now – owning properties in the UK plus a house in either Marbella, Mallorca or Dubai. To become a Five-Star Director and have all the Chanel bags I have ever wanted haha!!!

