1. Personal: Where you were born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights?
I was born and raised in Cyprus, a small island in the Mediterranean Sea, where my first language was Greek. I lived there until I was 11 when my family & I emigrated to the UK. I am one of 4 children and to this day, family is at the epicentre of my life. As a result, 99% of them are in our business too :)
I grew up loving to dance. From ballet to streetdance and contemporary thrown in too, I was always performing! Any opportunity of gathering an audience and making them smile made me happy! I also loved sports and competed in athletics competitions, so I guess you could say I have always harboured a sense of confidence, learned resilience early on and had a competitive edge – all skills which I sometimes take for granted but have heavily contributed towards the success of my business.
2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
Without a question! I am not the same person I was when I embarked on this journey almost 4 yrs ago! I had never heard of network marketing, I had never worked in sales, travel or advertising nor had I been on social media for 2 years prior to starting! Today, I coach more than 1250 people on all of the above which goes to show just how many new skills you can learn!
3. What drives you; what motivates you?
The desire to help the average person experience more out of life. I believe I was placed on this earth to help elevate others and aside from my positive outlook on life and cheery nature, I truly feel this vehicle landed in my lap as a way to help people. Be it travel more, experience financial freedom or spend time doing what they enjoy with their loved ones, I am driven by the idea that I am bettering people’s lives.
That and the fact that I want to prove to myself and to my daughter that as a woman and a mother, I can be a successful entrepreneur and that there is another way to be wealthy aside from the corporate world.
4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
My mother is my greatest role model. She moved to Cyprus from London at the age of 19, not able to speak the language and to a world very different than the one she knew. She had 4 children before the age of 32 and was a single parent with no financial independence by the age of 40; yet despite her challenges, she reinvented herself in multiple different industries several times, always making a success of whatever she put her hand to. Not only that, but she instilled in her children the same great work ethic, kindness and generosity & the importance of the family unit.
5. The three words that describe me best are:
Positive, proactive, and confident.
6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone, what would it be?
If you’ve made the decision to do this, go all in! You can’t confidently say if something was a success or a failure if you never fully give it your best shot. Hard work beats talent every time and it’s the small incremental daily improvements that will lead to the grand changes!
7. What does your life look like five years from now?
Five years from now, my family and I will have upgraded our home in Wimbledon, my children will be at private schools with incredible opportunities and we will travel the world on all the school holidays – taking with us as many family members as we can.
I would have helped thousands more people build their travel businesses and will be coaching in big stages around the globe.