The Leadership Spotlight Shines On: Madelyn Haines

My name is Madelyn (or Maddy) Haines. I was raised in Pottsboro, TX but I now reside in Durant, OK with my husband, 3 dogs and cat. We enjoy adventures, road trips, gym time, and cooking together. Three words to describe me could be: fun-loving, inclusive and goal-oriented.
Since joining PlanNet, I have unleashed new potential in leadership, guiding my team to successes I didn't even think I could ever accomplish, had you asked me two years ago. I came into this business as many others, just interested in booking travel. While I still love booking travel, what a blessing it is to be able to change lives in much bigger ways with this business opportunity. My team is encouraging, welcoming, and hardworking, and it is the most amazing thing to be a part of. Watching them reach for the stars and hit new goals continues to keep me motivated to always do more.
There are so many wonderful people I have met along this journey, but no one quite like Stephanie Cloutier. Continually going above and beyond to answer all the messages and schedule all of the Zoom calls, she still manages to make me feel seen in her team of thousands. She saw my goals before I saw them for myself and has been here for me every step of the way.
The advice I would give to anyone growing in this business would be to keep your head down and continue to put in the work. Stay focused on your goals and focused on loving on your team. Don't worry about what others think and keep reaching for the stars. Keep attending events and meeting others in the industry. But most importantly – HAVE FUN! Enjoy this business and the opportunity to share what you love! Get excited about everything you have to offer others. Don't let anyone dull your sparkle. There is nothing you can't do!