1. Personal: Where you were born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights?
I was born in Devon, England and moved from there when I was 13 to Hertfordshire, England, living with my Mum and one sister. I met my husband in 1997 and we have been together ever since, raising two beautiful girls and moving house more than a few times, always renovating and selling. I worked in education for 20 years which was so fitting for us as a family and meant that I would always be there during school holidays with my girls to travel to lots of destinations and make memories. Yes you've guessed it, my hobbies are renovating houses and travelling plus my family being a very integral part of life. I now have a 17-month-old grandson whose name is Abel, and oh my he is just gorgeous and I love spending precious time with him. We are also now settled in our home and no more renovating for the foreseeable – let's see how long that lasts!
2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
Being a part of the PlanNet family has absolutely been life-changing. I have grown so much in confidence and feel I have a purpose other than for my family but for ME. I left education 5 years ago and have been my own boss ever since. My husband suffered from cancer during 2023/24 and was unable to work. The time and financial freedom PlanNet has given me meant I could provide for us and I was never accountable to anyone in terms of asking a boss for time off for hospital appointments and treatments. I also had the power and availability to work my business from anywhere, meaning whilst sitting around the hospitals!
3. What drives you; What motivates you?
We love to travel and even more so now that my husband is fully recovered. It is our aim to tick more off our ever growing bucket list. I also know and am living proof that this opportunity changes lives and I want to change so many. My drive was getting that willable income for my family and this really is the best compensation plan for everyone – this motivates me to speak to absolutely everyone within my grasp to inform them of what they could have access to – it's an absolute no brainer!
4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
This may seem strange but true. My daughter, Emily, is my biggest role model – she joined PlanNet before me and I sat and watched, listened and saw her change from someone who was working a corporate job with no ambition to an amazing LEADER, someone who so many men and women look up to for help and guidance, someone who they believe in and want to be like. This makes me SO PROUD and we continue to watch her grow and know that she is never going to stop. So yes, my little girl is and will always be my role model.
5. The three words that describe me best are:
Confident, Helpful, and Proud.
6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone, what would it be?
Never give up, stay consistent. Believe in yourself and never let doubt take over. Positivity breeds positivity and you always have the power to choose. Be bold and brave.
7. What does your life look like five years from now?
I would love to be able to have a property by the sea that we can visit but not live full-time. This has been a dream for a long time and now I know I have the power, the drive and the dream that IS going to come true.