1. Personal: Where you were born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights.
I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York where I still currently reside. I come from a family of four sisters older than myself and one brother who is the youngest of the six. I have no children but over 20 nieces and nephews whom I love and then return to their parents!! My hobbies include anything involving my family because family is first!!! I am currently the CEO and broker for New Fortune Realty. With my real estate business along with InteleTravel, I provide both permanent and temporary stays and vacays!!
2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
Since joining PlanNet, I have definitely grown personally through training, self-improvement books that have been recommended in training, and without question the experience I’ve had growing into a leader with the amount of business partners I’ve gained over time.
3. What drives you; what motivates you?
What drives me is my nieces and nephews. I call them my Adorables and they call me Auntie ATM; I never want the bank to close so that's what motivates me to continued success.
4. The three words that describe me best are:
Loyal, committed, and trustworthy.
5. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone, what would it be?
Stay true to yourself. No one should want for you more than you want for yourself. Give selflessly.
6. What does your life look like five years from now?
A Five-Star Director changing lives one person at a time and loving it!!