1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family hobbies; past business highlights.
I was born and raised in Western Colorado. Born in a small town called Delta, CO and raised in Grand Junction, CO. Currently I am stationed as a civilian working with military families in a clinic in Germany as an Occupational Therapist! I have a fur baby named Oscar who is also my PTSD service dog and he lives his best life traveling around Europe with me. My hobbies all center around traveling! I love to explore new cities and countries and immerse myself in new cultures. I have been in the network marketing space for 15 years, previously working in the health and wellness space. I had great success and loved the products but travel is the thing I could talk about forever and ever and never get tired of it.
2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
Since joining PlanNet about two years ago, I have grown tremendously. I am in a very successful line of Directors to include Sarah Molnar as my direct sponsor and Director, and she in turn is sponsored by Lauren Fetherolf who is famous for going from One- to Three-Stars in under six months, and her Director, Betsy Smith, who is also now a Three-Star Director. Each of them does this business quite differently and I am fortunate to learn from each one of them and have met them all in person many times. Even though I have been part of a successful NWM team previously, I was never really coachable and when I tapped in, linked arms and got real with my why and got out of my own way, things began to change. When I also got seriously about my own health and wellness about six months into the business, I went from 24 team members to One-Star Director in two months. I finally understand attraction marketing and it is working to my benefit because I am constantly looking for ways to be a better me so that people will want to be a part of what I got going on here. :D
3. What drives you; what motivates you?
I am driven by an unwavering desire to set myself free from the financial and professional chains that bind so many of us. The only way I can be free is to help as many people as I can become free as well. I am also driven to help everyone access the world regardless of age or ability, which is why I founded Accessible Travel Planners, a mastermind of travel agents on my team, most of them therapists like me who share this passion and are combining their skills as therapists with their travel agent business to help people of all abilities be able to travel.
4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
I really look up to Orlanda Moore and how driven he is to continue to develop us all. He could never work again a day in his life and he would still be a millionaire, but yet he shows up and he went from Military to Millionaire and I am around a lot of the military population that feels stuck with accepting minimal pay that somoene else has determined what their worth is. My ride or die though is my sponsor and Director, Sarah Molnar. We are more like partners than anything and every day we make each other stronger individuals and thus leaders.
5. The three words that describe me best are:
Resilient, Funny and Adventurous.
6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone, what would it be?
People often ask me how I was so successful so fast and I reply that I failed enough times to finally succeed. I don't think we should be afraid of failure because it is always a stepping stone to success. The other piece of advice I give to my team is that they have to work their business every day. EVERY DAY. Weekends and vacation too. When travel is your business, even just a reel showing your vacation or a voice message to someone while you're sitting on the beach, that counts. Touch your business every day and it will grow the right way!
7. What does your life look like five years from now?
I plan to average a star a year so I will be a Seven-Star Director, retired out of my J-O-B long ago, making seven figures on travel biz alone and be operating a retreat center in Italy! Cappuccino in the AM, wine in the afternoon, and pasta for dinner every night. Of course I will have to have someone work it while I am gone on one of my many trips, which will include an around the world cruise :D