1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family hobbies; past business highlights.
I was born and raised in South Central Los Angeles, California, and I currently reside in the Las Vegas, Nevada area. I have two adult children, a 4-year-old grandson, an 11-month-old grandson, and a grandchild on the way (gender not yet revealed). Prior to getting in the business 5 years ago, I was a school administrator. Since getting in the business, I walked away from education and decided to drive rideshare so that I could spend more time with my grandchildren. As a history fanatic, I loved traveling the world and seeing places that I used to teach about as an educator, so that passion simply multiplied once I got in the business. I have a 50/50/50 goal to visit all 50 states in the United States, and visit 50 countries before I turn 50! In the past 5 years that I have been in the business, I have been to 21 countries, been to 10 all-inclusive resorts, and I have been on 5 cruises: a 4-day to Bermuda, a 5-day Caribbean, a 7-day Alaska Cruise, a 13-Day Caribbean, and a 14-day Caribbean cruise. More importantly, I have been able to build a team of over 100 active agents, and have taken several with me on these trips!
2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
Since joining PlanNet Marketing, I have grown so much in my personal development. First, I learned to focus on maintaining a positive mindset no matter what. I have increased my ability to manifest the things that I want/need, and help others to do the same. Secondly, as an extreme introvert, I had to make the decision to get out of my comfort zone and talk to people. That started with changing my language. I used to tell my coach, “I hate talking to people.” The more I said that, the stronger those feelings became. I had to choose to change my language, which changed the way I felt. I started saying, “I enjoy talking to people more and more.” Although I didn’t naturally like talking to people, I noticed that when I did break out of my comfort zone and call people, they joined my team. Because my “why” was strong, I also had to make the decision to do what I needed to do to build my business regardless of how I felt. I get the pleasure of working on building this communication muscle daily. Lastly, I had to stop caring about what people thought about me for being in network marketing. I started studying the industry, and realized that network marketing has created more millionaires than any other industry. I will be one of them. I know that when I am a millionaire, I will not care what anyone thinks about me, so I cannot care what they think on my way to millionaire.
3. What drives you; what motivates you?
My grandmother raised me and made me into the woman I am today. She was born in rural Texas in 1923. She dropped out of high school to pick cotton to help support her family. She and my grandfather later moved to Los Angeles so that her family would have better life opportunities. She never worked a regular job; she cleaned people’s houses to earn money. My grandfather died before I was born, but he was a Marine who fought in World War II, came home with undiagnosed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, but never made excuses; he made things happen! My grandparents integrated the middle-class neighborhood I grew up in, owned multiple properties, and set me up for success in life! In honor of my grandparents’ sacrifice, and with the same energy that they overcame great obstacles for me, I will continue to build their legacy and mine through the PlanNet Marketing business I have built and continue to grow!
4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
Personally, my grandparents are my role models for the reasons mentioned above. Professionally, I am grateful for my business coach, Founding Director Nate Newman, who personally coached me to Director, and beyond. I am additionally grateful for the leadership of Founding Director, 7-Figure income earner Shedrick White, who has provided a platform for my continual growth and development as a leader through his weekly Directors’ Roundtable. Some of the powerhouses in this business who I appreciate and look up to from a distance and who inspire me every day are Founding Director Pastor Ferne Sapp and Four-Star Director Nina Vital! There are so many others who have poured into me on a regular basis, including Founding Director and Diamond Ring wearer DeJoiré Benson, Three-Star Director Marygail Harmon, and Founding Director Jay Michael Stuart. I am forever grateful for these amazing leaders and individuals.
5. The three words that describe me best are:
Passionate, ambitious, and motivated.
6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
Set high goals and commit to finishing them. You can make excuses or you can make things happen, but you cannot do both. Donald Bradley said at the Leadership Conference in Las Vegas in January 2023, “Everyone is going through something. You have to have poise. FINISH THE MISSION.” The mission is not going to finish itself. It will take work and intentionality, but we all have it in us to FINISH THE MISSION!
7. What does your life look like five years from now?
Five years from now, I will be making, saving, and investing more money than I ever have before, and I will have helped the willing do the exact same! I will have funded the educational foundation I created in the names of my grandparents, Curtis and Lula Mae Crittendon, and I will use it to help the next generation fund their educational and entrepreneurial endeavors. I will have created leaders who have created leaders who duplicate success for generations to come. I did not come from a wealthy family, but many wealthy families will come from me. I guarantee it!