1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family hobbies; past business highlights.
My name is Emily and I’m living in Donegal, Ireland. I’m a wife, mum of two and full-time Primary School Teacher in a senior ASD class. I love music, festivals, playing golf and living beside the sea. As a family we love to travel and go on holidays together, making memories around the world.
2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
Since I joined PlanNet Marketing on the 21st April 2023, I have grown in confidence and self-esteem and I feel I am more in charge of my life. Without a doubt it definitely takes effort and a willingness to move outside your comfort zone, but amazing things can happen when you push yourself outside your safe place.
3. What drives you; what motivates you?
My biggest motivation is my family and knowing that I have the possibility of creating a future for us that is life changing. My husband and two children are my world and my strongest supporters.
4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
Two role models who I look up to and admire would have to be my upline Sinead Alexandra and the founder of our Catch Flights Create Freedom team, Lyndsey Gynane. They’re my role models because of their strong leadership and confident determination to be a success. I love their strong work ethic and continuous drive to adapt their businesses so that they can stay on top of their game and perform to the best of their ability. I feel my success is down to their high standard of mentoring, their leadership and their continuous support.
5. The three words that describe me best are:
Ambitious, Determined and Thoughtful.
6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
People need to believe in you before they believe in your business. I’m a hard-working and driven individual who is passionate about my business. I believe in what I do and people see this in my daily exposures. You need to get outside your comfort zone, it will challenge you, you will learn new things, you will adapt to new situations and develop new skills. Yes, it’s scary and anxiety levels will skyrocket but when you are supported by the right people, it can be life-changing. It’s vital you work daily on your business. Consistent hard work leads to success!
7. What does your life look like five years from now?
In five years, I will be 49 and my husband will be 54. The retirement age from my teaching job is 65 and my husband is a greenkeeper on a golf course, which is all manual labour. I would love to think that in five years' time, my business will have grown, that I would be a successful Three-Star Director which will give us, as a family, more financial opportunities to plan for our future. To even think that I might have an option of cutting down my days from my school job to focus more on my travel business is exciting, or to think if my business is a success that both myself and my husband could retire earlier, is just the dream. Just knowing I have options which I never had before is my goal and incentive to succeed.