The Leadership Spotlight Shines On: Debbie Precious

1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family hobbies; past business highlights.
I was born in West Yorkshire and moved to East Yorkshire after I finished at University. I am married to Jordan and we have three children, and we own a scaffolding business we started together. My background is in the corporate world of sales and marketing within the FMCG’s industry, having gotten a Marketing degree from Lancaster University. This role was really well paid and gave me a great lifestyle but I didn’t like the 9-5 restrictions of the corporate world. I did this for around ten years. 

I also have a love of interior design and started my own business in the industry for a few years after leaving the corporate world and prior to starting my family. Once I had my second child, I took a career break. 

2.​ How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
Since joining PlanNet, I have enjoyed the distraction from my busy Mum life of three. I have been driven by the PlanNet pledge and creating that legacy for my children. I was already quite confident; however, since joining the business, my confidence in presenting to others and standing in front of a crowd has increased significantly. 

The relationships I have developed, Mums in a similar position to me, finding that common passion to want more from life and to make a difference. To think differently, and more long term. To understand the power of manifesting and investing in myself to move forward. 

3​. What drives you​;​ what motivates you?
I am very driven to succeed in everything I do. I want to be the best of my abilities with everything else we have going on in our lives. It’s a juggle but I will always do everything I can to achieve what I am capable of. The ability to prove I can create a flexible income around my Mum role.

4. Who would you consider​ a​ role model and why?
Lyndsey Gynane has created a six-figure income and stopped at nothing to achieve it. She is very inspiring and my mentor. She has an incredible work ethic. Also Rachael Lalji, having four children and creating the business she has created is incredible and awe-inspiring. I intend to follow in both their footsteps.

5. The three words that describe me​ best​ are​:  
Passionate, determined, and multi-tasker.

6​.​ If you had​ some sound advice to give​ to anyone​ what would​‌ ​it be? 
Be consistent, even during the quiet periods; ride them out to build that compound, put the work in, treat it like it’s your only source of income even if it’s not. Do more, give up to go up and make those sacrifices. 

Be you! Your vibe attracts your tribe, you are your best selling feature.

7. What does your life look like five years from now? 
Still working in the business, collecting those stars {Five-Star Director}, creating my own One-, Two- and Three-Star Directors. More freedom and working from anywhere, spending the summer holidays in a villa in the sunshine! Travelling more with my family to places we have never visited before, being a role model for my children.

