1. Personal: Where you were born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights....
I was born and raised in Montgomery, Alabama, currently residing in Orlando, Florida. I am a wife of ten years, mom of three beautiful children, and a godmother of one. I absolutely love to read, travel, help others, and occasionally binge watch shows on Netflix. I am a traditional business owner where I design logos, websites, flyers etc. In the past I was an operations manager overseeing 150-plus employees, I have participated in a ramp up with hiring for a particular project that needed 100 agents to begin. I have been a culture champion at a call center where I assisted with building morale, employee appreciation events, contest, and leadership development trainings, to name a few.
2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
I have grown tremendously. Prior to PlanNet Marketing, I was on pace to retire from the federal government at 65 years old; now I am on pace to retire in four years, by the time I reach age 40. That cuts my retirement time by 15 years. While it will still require work to build a legacy and keep it, I'd rather work on the beach and at the bank than in a cubicle. My mindset was nowhere near legacy building, early retirement, make it, save it, or invest it. My mindset has sharpened, my lid is elevating as I continue to read self-development books. Helping over 100 families requires another level. I never would have thought about therapy, but I am now in therapy as it is very important that you're stable when being in leadership in any capacity. It's really important whether you are in leadership or not. I've learned to use STLA (Stop.Think.Listen.Act.). Most people just act out and never prepare for the consequences. Understanding and communication is critical in leadership. People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. Stop - take a step back and reevaluate, Think - is it really worth it, will you lose a beneficial relationship because of your lack of emotional intelligence. Listen - listen to understand not to be understood, and then Act. It will help you beyond measure.
3. What drives you; what motivates you?
Myself, my children, my husband, and the legacy I now have to maintain for my family and the generations to come.
4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
My mother, as through the adversity and everything she has gone through she still finds a way to have peace, be a light to anyone she ever encounters, gives her absolute last, and the unconditional love she now has for her children and grandchildren is a beautiful thing to witness. I often call her for sound advice because even though I am her only daughter she still will tell me the absolute truth, right, wrong, or indifferent.
5. The three words that describe me best are:
Ambitious, determined, and loyal.
6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone, what would it be?
Never quit on you. Walk in your purpose because we all have one if we are still living on earth.
7. What does your life look like five years from now?
In five years from now my life looks like retirement, financial freedom, personal freedom, and time freedom, which I have a burning desire to achieve.