The Leadership Spotlight Shines On: Antuinette Darden

1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family hobbies; past business highlights.
I was born in Baltimore, Maryland, and am living in Dumfries, Virginia. I am a wife with three kids and one on the way. I love to travel. I am a One-Star Director, 20/20 Club member, and Gold Plus member.   

2.​ How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
I have read more books on personal development than I read getting my masters. How I look and feel about money has also changed. My entire mentality on exchanging time for money as the only way to make more money has changed. 

3​. What drives you​;​ what motivates you?
Seeing others win and being able to give my family whatever they need when they need, and not having to say “no” because I don’t have the money. 

4. Who would you consider​ a​ role model and why?
Mr. Donald Bradley because he is a true leader who takes ownership and responsibility for everyone who follows him, and therefore makes decisions for what’s best for the PlanNet and not just for himself. He is a servant leader and leads by example. 

5. The three words that describe me​ best​ are​:
Loyal, Team Player and Hard Worker.

6​.​ If you had​ some sound advice to give​ to anyone​ what would​‌ ​it be? 
Keep moving, don’t ever stop, and don’t allow anyone else to make you stop. 

7. What does your life look like five years from now? 
I will be a Nine-Star Director and million dollar income earner, a stay at home mom, traveling the world to the most exotic locations. 

