From One-Star Director Tara Wilson:
I had an amazing weekend with a double hitter… Houston and Dallas were on 🔥!! A full house in both locations! 🙌🏽 🗣️An environment that is conducive for success is where the magic happens. 💪🏽 We make it SIMPLE.. It’s not COMPLEX. All you need is the desire to learn and get paid for generations to come.. 💰 I can show you how.. #thebarefootagent #generationalwealth #icanchangeyourlife #Legacy #wifimoney #digitalincome #lifestyle #residualincome #TMichelle
From PlanNet Marketing Rep Brittnie Riley:
When VA comes to Houston! This beautiful 3-⭐️ Director and VA native Tiffany Pierce not only makes 6 figures by day but also 6 figures on the side part time‼️😲 Texas will be the #1 market in our company and us Rileys are well on our way to the next level! What a win-win! 🏆 💯 #DocumentationBeatsConversation #VAtoTX #roadtodirectorship #coach #mentorship #legacy #helpingfamilies #marketshare #lifestyle #Texas
From Three-Star Director Yvette Green:
Houston TX owes me nothing! What an amazing day? The company I decided 7 years ago to keep.

From Two-Star Director Lanita Jones:
Last night in Raleigh, NC was packed out!!! Empowering families with my coach Letoria Mayberry and a room full of champions!! Congratulations to all the new business partners who have positioned themselves on the money making side of this 8 trillion dollar industry!!! #Empowerment #wealthbuilding #legacy #freedom

From Three-Star Director MaryEllen Poellnitz:
Pittsburgh StoodUp! Congratulations One Star ⭐️ Director Carmella Freeman

SUNDAY, JULY 23, 2023
From One-Star Director Audra Cooper:
Super Sunday was just electric, epic and on a whole other level with Mr. Donald Bradley, my millionaire 6 Star Director Mr. Orlanda Moore and other Leaders in Dallas! They dropped so many gems. Super proud to be a part of this company with these Amazing Leaders. #momentswithmillionaires #PlanNetProud 🖤#wemakealivingbyliving #goafteryourdreams #determined #ICanChangeYourLife #askmehow #TravelIsMyBusiness #wealth #freedom #entrepreneur #buildingempires #PlanNetStrong

MONDAY, JULY 24, 2023
From PlanNet Marketing Rep Tanya Smith:
I received my Bronze Builder Pin tonight 🙏🏾Thank you Amir Sealy Orlanda Moore
From Six-Star Director Orlanda Moore:
Service to many leads to greatness! I am honored and truly grateful that God Blessed me with the opportunity and the ability to travel and empower people with the exact same opportunity that I’ve been Blessed with. My Mother always said: “When Blessed, be a Blessing”. The past 10 days have been really rewarding. HUNDREDS of people from Atlanta to Los Angeles to Houston to Dallas to New York have decided to exercise their entrepreneurial rights with our company and position their families on the money making side of two amazing industries and now have access to multiple streams of income. Here are a few pics that speak volumes. DM me if you’d like info that empowered 94,000+ families. #family #Live #love #helpingothers #beautiful #life #lifestyle #winning #multiplestreamsofincome #LeveragedIncome #passiveincome #residualincome #entrepreneur #homebasedbusiness #money #wealth #health #healthylifestyle #enjoy #relationships #Empowerment #coaching #mentor #PlanNetMarketing #OrlandaMoore

TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2023
From Six-Star Director Orlanda Moore:
Tuesday night is Game Night in Atlanta, and a production takes place. HUNDREDS of people show up in order to learn about our amazing business project and to learn how to build their business within the business. Congratulations to all of our new business partners! I definitely want to salute my new business partner and childhood friend, Vincent Dortch. We literally grew up together and went to school together In Century, FL. Now, we’re in business together and get to make money together in the largest industry in the world. No paperwork! No quotas! No employees! No inventory to store, it’s in cyberspace! Don’t just keep watching. Let’s GO. DM me for info. I’d love to work with you. #PlanNetMarketing #events #production #show #lifestyle #live #love #life #realestate #internet #enjoy #happy #help #family #business #building #wealth #health #money #passiveincome #leveragedincome #residualincome #entrepreneur #work #OrlandaMoore
From One-Star Director LaTondria Johnson:
When you talk to your millionaire Coach about anything and she just brings you joy.❤️🙌🏾
Hang around millionaires enough and you will become one!! #manifestationisReal
From Three-Star Director Jassy Mc Bride:
Cheers to another great Tuesday night with business partners who traveled near and far to attend! #employeetoentrepreneur #mompreneur #mindsetmatters 💰🔥💯 #livelovetravel
From Two-Star Director LaDonna Spratley:
It's the Financial freedom, Personal freedom, Time freedom for me! It's a mission to help the team secure long term substantial income. DM me today. I'll love to work with you ✨️ #PlanNetProud #PlannetMarketing #Residual #teamwork #relationshipbuilding #leverage #WinningCulture #TeamSuccess #money