From Two-Star Director LaDonna Spratley:
Augusta Georgia will not be denied. Last night, they came ready!! 🌐 Securing your finances and your financial future is the new sexy! #PlanNetMarketing

From Three-Star Director Tanisha Burke:
Tampa, FL business presentation 100% closing rate. 😉 #PlanNetMarketing

From One-Star Director Shahiem Grant:
When your Millionaire Mentor (Orlanda Moore) is always the student you know you have the right Mentor.
From Three-Star Director Tawanda Shamley:
Successful event in Houston!! Welcome to our new business partners! Making moves! The PlanNet is moving! 90k on the way 100k!

From Three-Star Director Gregory Scott:
Rochester, NY will not be denied! Our leaders are holding it down for the good of the company. I am so proud of Directors Krystal Brown, Shawanda Biddle, and Tarshia Franklin. We had people from Syracuse and Buffalo, NY in the building. The energy was amazing and we are just getting started!
From Three-Star Director Krystal Brown:·
🤩ROCHESTER 🤩 The people showed up Words can’t express how grateful I am to be connected to some amazing people! SUPER Saturday, hosted by myself and my phenomenal Mentor, Half A Million Dollar Income Earner Gregory Scott! The training was NEEDED afterwards! And those numbers you dropped were 🤯 Looking forward to you coming back to the ROC 🛫 We just hit 90,000 ACTIVE AGENTS last night!! At the pace we are moving, 100,000 is right around the corner. & Upstate NY is committed to doing our part🔥#momentum #WeCanChangeYourLife #PlanetProud #SuperSaturday

From One-Star Director Maureen Archey:
The Chicago Super Sunday meeting was filled with incredible energy. It’s so exciting to be a part of a winning culture. 90,000 agents strong and growing. Thank you Mr. Bradley for your vision and project Freedom!
From Three-Star Director Melodie Washington:
Another packed house in Chicago. The Windy City is SMOKING!!!!! Don’t miss this wave.
From One-Star Director Deniece Fields:
Chicago, we didn’t come to play…When you think people won’t show up, trust me…they will! #everyseatfilled #standingroomonly Stop ignoring your invitation…It may be what you’ve been praying for 😉🙏🏾
From PlanNet Marketing Rep Michelle Peavy:
Super Sunday in Chicago was great! I even got my cousin to come out and hear about this life changing opportunity because I want to make sure to share this news with my families first and foremost ! I want to not do it to my family, but for my family! #LeavingAWillNotABill
From One-Star Director Robelyn McNair:
Chicago event was on 🔥🔥 today.

MONDAY, APRIL 17, 2023
From Three-Star Director Tanisha Burke:
It’s game night in Orlando, FL tonight! #PlanNetMarketing #OrlandoFlorida #TravelBusinessOpportunity

From One-Star Director Patrycya Williams:
🔥 SHE HAS ACCESS 🔥When your new FRONTLINE business partner attends her 1st of many Tuesday GAME NIGHTS in Atlanta and comes away on CLOUD 9 and HUNGRY! THANK YOU Director Ferne Sapp for making sure Imani Rhema was welcomed and met so many great LEADERS! She enjoyed watching you do the presentation last night along with hearing from Director’s Shedrick White and Orlanda Moore! She is DETERMINED to be at the NEXT GB and above! THANK YOU Mr. Donald Bradley for your LEADERSHIP, WISDOM and VISION! After attending Wall Street Blue and last night’s meeting, Imani is ready to put in the consistent work to go up the ranks expeditiously! These pics from last night she will ALWAYS cherish! She loves photos! #BronzeSilverGold #PlanNetProud #teamwork
From PlanNet Marketing Rep Beverly Freeman:
Yep, I could be a lot of places…. I CHOOSE to be right here! The world will look a lot different in 2 years. I’m preparing NOW. When my memories show up in the future, I want them to count! #ConsistencyAndContinuousMotion #ChangingMyWhy #MindingMyBusiness #MyBestDaysAreAheadOfMe #PlanNetMarketing #BeverlyFreeman
From Three-Star Director Gregory Scott:
About last night! We are intentional about changing lives. It was clearly evident with the packed out room and the energy that we are experiencing as we move toward momentum. Come and get some! #IAmPlanNetProud #WeCanChangeYourLife
From PlanNet Marketing Rep Sheila Peterson:
🖐🏾All Roads lead to PlanNet Marketing Game Night Atlanta GA!! Another Packed House!👏🏾💥Why Entrepreneurship and Travel?🤔💥The world has changed SO much and having multiple streams of income is a MUST. 🖤 I’m glad I said “Yes”! Every week I'm so Blessed to be Mentored by Millionaires and educated on Financial Literacy and Legacy Income for my family 🙌🏽🙌🏽 #roadtofinancialfreedom #planbsolution #helppeople #travelsmart #traveltheworld 💥💥#89000strong💪🏾
From One-Star Director Myron Griffin:
Instead of watching Law & Order marathon all day, I decided to create financial, personal and time freedom with all of these champions!! Game time on the PlanNet!!! Standing room only!