From Three-Star Director Gregory Scott:
Game Night in Houston! When you are making moves in the state where they do everything BIG, you must show up for your squad. #BusinessMoves #FutureFocused #LegacyBuilding #ICanChangeYourLife
From Three-Star Director David Dacosta:
Wow such a pleasure to serve in Houston Texas last week with my brothers and Sister in success J.P. Watkins-Mukes, Walter Powell, Gregory Scott. As PlanNet Marketing just grew to 89,000 people TODAY I just have to thank God for this opportunity.. this company is something special 💪🏾 #PlanNetMarketing #homebasedbusiness #itsjusttravel #MrGoTravel

From Three-Star DirectorTanisha Burke:
The people of Orlando came out tonight to learn how they can create an additional stream of income in the sexiest industry in the world…travel! #PlanNetMarketing #Orlando #TravelBusinessOwner #TimeFreedom #PersonalFreedom #FinancialFreedom

From Five-Star Director Orlanda Moore:
There’s NOTHING like empowering other people. 800 people on a Tuesday night showed up for their success. We’re on a mission. #PlanNetProud #PlanNetMarketing #OrlandaMoore #multiplestreamsofincome #healthy #wealthy #relationships #winning #passiveincome #leveragedincome #residualincome #Winning #helpingothers #empowerment #changinglives #love #beauty #family #ICanChangeYourLife #yourtime #yourturn #letsgrow
From PlanNet Marketing Rep Sheila Peterson:
👏🏾About Last Night! A special Congrats to our Newest Bronze Builder Michelle W. achieving her first Pin level.👏🏾 Valeria Johnson great job for ensuring your family does not miss out on this opportunity and first time meeting 6 Star Founder Director Millionaire Earner Orlanda Moore. PlanNet Marketing Game Night Atlanta Full View! Powerful!👊🏽800 People, Entrepreneurs came together to Learn!👏🏾 Don't Miss this Moment in History!! #helppeople #changinglivestogether #roadtofinancialfreedom
From PlanNet Marketing Rep Beverly Freeman:
800 people on a Tuesday night! Why? We’re in to WIN! Would you like to work remotely? Interested in a business model that has a unique profit GUARANTEE?🤔 #OmniCNN #PlanNetMarketing #OnlineBusiness #NoPhysicalInventory #WorkVirtually #TurnkeyBusiness #YourBusiness #8TrillionDollarIndustry #ItsTravel Are you ready for YOUR business?
From Four-Star Director Ferne Sapp:
We had a TIME last night!!!! Salute to our 800 business partners who showed up and a special salute to our guests!!! Listen in to the conversations with our guests: Dan: “Let’s do this. I’m ready for this. I didn’t come to play.” Elizabeth: “I want freedom. I have two kids in college and I want to go for the freedom. I heard all of the stories up there and I’m ready. I’m a #1.” Tanaya: “I loved everything that I heard up there. I missed the beginning but I love the ending … the MONEY part.” If any of these conversations resonate with you, if you are tired of playing around with your gifts and talents, if you want freedom and have some lives to change, and if you know what the money can do…then let’s talk today. I’d love to hear your conversation. I believe it’s bound to be a life changing conversation. #ICanChangeYourLife #PlannetProud #89KStrong #DontMissTheWave
From Three-Star Director Jassy Mc Bride:
PlanNet Tuesdays! Talk about an EXPANSION! To have our meeting in the Omni atrium which sits immediately next to CNN headquarters and staff offices! Almost 400 goal getters showed up as we celebrated over 89,000 active agents! Top notch training from 2 out of our 3 Millionaires alongside our CEO and Founder! Thank you Mr Donald Bradley for paving the way! Congratulations to all of our new business partners who said YES to a lifestyle change!🔥
From Three-Star Director Gregory Scott:
Game Night in Atlanta! No this was Not a Convention…Not a Town Hall Meeting…Not a Political Event. We are Doing Business! This is what was needed to comfortably accommodate everyone...next level! The takeover is upon us…13,000 new business partners in 72 days…heading to momentum. Right place, right time, and right people! #ICanChangeYourLife #TeamScott
From Three-Star Director Patricia Johnson:
These meetings are so uplifting!! Have you ever been around a group of people that are focused on helping YOU succeed? It’s a great feeling. … and you get to return the favor! #ironsharpensiron BE MY GUEST on next Tuesday so you can understand why I do what I do!! #PlanNetMarketing #PlanNetProud
From Two-Star Director LaDonna Spratley:
Tonight was Atlanta's business game night! We Are 89,000 strong in PlanNet Marketing! What an awesome company to be a part of! 🔥🔥🔥Growing and Soaring 🔥🔥🔥 #PlanNetMarketing #wealthmovement