From Three-Star Director David Dacosta :
London is back!🔥🔥 After two years we are back to weekly events for our PlanNet Marketing business.😍 The room was electric today. Nothing better than building something real and long lasting, and making money with fun people!
From Two-Star Director André Sinclair:
💙A passion for the people! Won’t stop until everybody wins!!! London & Preston both showed up tonight!! What a way to kick off February!! Next stop Reading & Croydon!! WE MAKE A LIVING BY LIVING! #neworkmarketing #6yearsstrong #entrepreneur #doingbusiness #travelinfluencer #leadership #leaderscreateleaders #heartforthepeople #onlinebusinessowner #Bettertogether #family #travellifestyle

From One-Star Director Taryn Sinclair:
Preston was on 🔥🔥🔥🔥 tonight!!!! Huge thank you to Rebecca Sonuga for an amazing training, and Hayley France & Amber McAuley for an incredible business presentation! I can’t wait to come back already! #PlanNetProud #UKLeaders #ChangingLives #BackInTheRoom
From One-Star Director Hayley France:
Last Thursday I presented to a fully maxed out room in Preston, WE LITERALLY FILLED EACH AND EVERY SEAT 🙌 next stop Glasgow! I’ve got huge goals and plans in place for my travel team this year. I will always go that extra mile… in this case 186 miles! Scotland I am coming for you! I have a large organisation in Scotland and have been wanting to visit for a while! When we’ve just announced our first regional there of 2022 I knew I needed to show up in person 🚂 I can’t wait to meet many of my team in person after working with them online for 2 years! A flying visit overnight but will be sure to fit a few🍹 in! I pinch myself that I’ve been able to make what I LOVE to do my full time career! And to have helped so many people do the same! I was a wild child in school, (can you believe that?! 😂) left with little grades, but I’ve always grafted and strived for more in life! Your current situation DOES NOT need to be your final destination! Anyone can do this! You don’t need to be a special person, you just have to make a special effort! 💯 If you love travel and want to travel more, earn more and experience more and in the Glasgow area on the 24th February come see us! Opportunity starts at 8pm! 🏴 ✈️ Any of MY GUESTS CAN ATTEND FOR FREE just pop me a DM to reserve your seat! 🎫

From One-Star Director Rajone Lyman:
Houston game night was not for the weak at heart. So glad to have a leader who not only believes in teamwork but delivers it to ALL! I am so glad that we all weathered the storm 🥶 and showed up for our success.The #1 income earner on the PlanNet and millionaire maker Director Orlanda Moore delivered a power packed presentation and training. I want to thank him along with Houston's own powerhouses Directors J.P. Watkins-Mukes, Walter Powell, and Taz Hollins for pouring into my team. I can't wait for the next game night! 'Leaders are born at events.' ~Mr. Donald Bradley #learning #teamwork #marketshare #TogetherEveryoneAchievesMore #makealivingbyliving #vibes #blackmillionaires #topincomeearner

From Three-Star Director Eric Hawkins:
An amazing day in NJ; incredible leaders from all over the country!!!! #njbiz
From Three-Star Director Latoya Chin:
I came and delivered as promised. New Jersey was A M A Z I N G per usual❣️ Sooo happy to have met new team members for the first time and serving the PlanNet. I truly love working with female leaders who believe in Collaboration over Competition. The best part of my night is catching the last flight of the night back home and having the whole row to myself❤️ #icanhaveitall #Travel #Family #Health #Wealth #Legacy #prioritiesnotbalance
From PlanNet Marketing Rep Theresa Perry Lewis:
So glad to be with the team again!!! We're changing lives...one family at a time! #goaldelayednotgoaldenied #generationalwealth #teamwork #NeverQuit
From Three-Star Director Joy Dawkins:
We had a room filled with guests taking a look at our powerful business model. We had partners growing, learning and making money. We had leaders teaching, inspiring and motivating the people. I'm certain that the New Jersey market will produce a lot of success stories. I'm passionate about helping people change their lives. #joytotheworld #ICanChangeYourLife #newjersey
From PlanNet Marketing Rep Richard C. Smith Jr.:
Absolutely awesome Super Sunday event yesterday in Springfield, NJ! Six figure Mompreneur leaders of our program, along with our Millionaire #1 income earner superstar, All Did Their Thing...they shared, trained, coached and inspired many! Ladies ruled and represented in amazing fashion!! It's simple, it's easy, it's travel and it's profitable! #beingurownboss #homebasedbusiness #itworks #plannetproud
From PlanNet Marketing Rep April Rain:
About Last Nite... I showed up for 𝕊𝕌ℂℂ𝔼𝕊𝕊 🙌🏾🗽 I received acknowledgement and praise for my status in this business!🥇💪🏾 When you follow the plan, 🅶🆁🅴🅰🆃 things happen! It's an 𝘼𝙈𝘼𝙕𝙄𝙉𝙂 feeling!💃🏾 #SuperSundayNewJersey #ReppinTravelPushers
From PlanNet Marketing Rep Kelly Williams:
👑This past Sunday, I was in a room receiving multi million dollar gems of information from ladies across the country👑⭐️Not too many things beat being surrounded by like minded women all on 1 accord: Showing how you can obtain 💰Financial freedom ❤️Personal freedom ⏱Time freedom 🌎Come join my Circle of Sisters in over 22 countries and over 70 thousand in number🌎 #mindset #success #successmindset #TravelIsMyBusiness #winning #goalgetter #Goals #winnerscircle #WinningWednesday #WinningWomenWednesday #wemakealivingbyliving #womenempoweringwomen
From Three-Star Director Lorie Banatte:
This weekend was POWERFUL 🙏🏾 I am still in awe and blown away 💖 I am super grateful to God to be connected to beautiful people 🥺 Together we grow and change lives ✨ We are super passionate about what we do to show people that there is a better way to experience financial freedom. 🤝🏾 The evidence truly speaks for itself. 🙌🏾 Thank you to my millionaire mentor and #1 income earner Coach Natalie Graham and 6 figure income earner Director Latoya Chin for bringing the heat 🔥 to Jersey! Thank you to Pioneer 🌟🌟🌟 Director Mr. Eric Hawkins for paving the way and helping us grow! You ALL inspire me and it is such an honor to serve with you 🙏🏾 And to everyone who came to the event we THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts! We will continue to grow and win together ❤ #Godissogood #OnlyGod
From Two-Star Director Trudy Scott:
Six and Seven figure income earners joined together to showcase the Best Place On The PlanNet. This Incredible event was held in New Jersey with partners and guests from New York, Maryland, Philadelphia, and Atlanta just to name a few. We're 6ix years old, operating in 20 Countries, 70,000 strong, changing lives and the best part is we’re just getting started. Thank you Eric Hawkins and our AMAZING Team of Champions for putting a stamp on the Tri-State market. #ChangingLives #Teamwork #Timing #PurposeDriven #HomeBasedBusiness #ResidualIncome

From Two-Star Director Lanita Jones:
RDU showed UP and OUT🔥🔥🔥 thank you Orlanda Moore and Letoria Mayberry for traveling to educate us, and share how important it is for us to LIVE and leave a LEGACY! Congratulations to all the new champions who made a decision to WIN for themselves and their families inside of this 8 trillion dollar industry of travel!!! #legacybuilding #generationalwealth #winning #plannetproud #dominate #creatingmemories
From PlanNet Marketing Rep Sherika Tatum:
🤗 Look, last night’s meeting was Flat Out Amazing💯🙌🏽 I’m still so full from all of it.🙌🏽 I knew it was an event not to miss. See, my son is only 15 and he said, Mom, I will not be going to practice today because I don’t want to miss meeting your Millionaire Mentor Orlanda Moore. See, even at 15 he understood the assignment to never miss an opportunity that you are qualified to attend. I’m so proud of Noah because he learned so much in a short period of time last night. It was very POWERFUL. 🙌🏽 I am still in awe and blown away.💯 I am so grateful to God to be connected to beautiful people who want to grow together and change lives forever. ✨ We are super passionate about what we do to show people that there is a better way to experience All freedoms; Time, Financial and Personal. 🤝🏾 The evidence truly speaks for itself. 🙌🏾 Thank you to my millionaire mentor for Always pouring out great life nuggets and especially for speaking in such a way that Noah now has something he will never forget. He was very pleased!
From PlanNet Marketing Rep Felicia Taylor:
If you missed last night you missed a treat ‼️ from My mentors Mr. Orlanda Moore and Letoria Mayberry who are making 6 and 7 figure income RESIDUALLY 📱💰 and both are out here traveling the world helping other families do the Same.💯 ✨OBSTACLES are what you see when you LOSE your FOCUS‼️ Focus on the path and NOT the trees on the path ‼️ ✨Success is a journey and you gotta be READY FOR IT‼️ ✨Going through my process what about you!
From Three-Star Director Gregory Scott:
The people in Raleigh, NC showed up in a major way tonight. People kept coming and we kept putting out more chairs. They are ready to Win Big!

From Three-Star Director Adairia Tarver-Vinson:
📌What do you do when you have an ASSIGNMENT on your life to help people change their lives⁉️ You fly to Corporate Headquarters in Atlanta, take copious notes 📝 to take back to DFW and prepare to pour in to the people in your region‼️ 💯💯 This is SERIOUS, and IT’S NOT ABOUT ME…I must do my part to fulfill the mandate on my life‼️💯 #allgasnobrakes #assignment #mandate #HelpPeopleLiveBetterLives #serious #notimetowaste #changinglives #joinme #dontmissit #atvmoments