From Three-Star Director DeJoiré Benson:
About today in Las Vegas! PlanNet Marketing Las Vegas, featuring Four-Star Director and Six Figure Earner, Pastor Ferne Sapp and Six-Star Director and #1 Income Earner, Millionaire Orlanda Moore!
From Four-Star Director Ferne Sapp:
“A leader knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” I salute each and every one of you! Thank you for your leadership. #PlanNetProud #ModelingOurMentor
From Two-Star Director Robin Loving:
Some spent Sunday watching teams earn millions to play🏈. I ain't mad atcha!! We spent Sunday learning how to make millions in business to purchase the teams!! Dream Big or stay asleep😉 Las Vegas Super Sunday was Phenomenal🔥🔥Standing room only and I know cause I was Standing!! Guests were 1/4 of the room!! #goals #habakkuk2and2 #millionairemindset #differentconversations #striveforexcellencebutlivebygrace #plannetproud
From Three-Star Director Erick Benson:
Thank you, Ms. Ferne Sapp, for serving at the sold out Super Sunday event in Las Vegas, Nevada. It was standing room only at this awesome PlanNet Marketing event. The PlanNet Marketing Las Vegas event was a success...standing room only. Winners win....no matter what! PlanNet Marketing. Standing room only event on a Sunday afternoon. Football playoffs or your own business opportunity? Hmm??? I'm living...while making a living. PlanNet Marketing has provided an awesome business opportunity to taste the sweetness of success. Wow...when your business trip mirrors a vacation. God is extremely awesome!!

From Three-Star Director DeJoiré Benson:
It was an honor to serve in Sacramento again tonight along with my Success Coach, Mr. Orlanda Moore, who is a Millionaire in PlanNet Marketing!
From One-Star Director Sheila Peterson:
💪🏾Team Work Makes the Dream Work! Sacramento Packed out and Masked up! I want to thank my Amazing Leaders, Business Partners and Guests for showing up for your success!👏🏾, And a very Special Thanks to my Mentors & Coach 6 Star Director Orlanda Moore and 3 Star Director DeJoiré Benson for serving today and for delivering a Powerful Presentation! We appreciate you!🥰#PlanNetProud #RoadToFinancialFreedom #changinglivestogether
From One-Star Director Janitress Miles:
When your business family is committed to ensuring everyone that wants it has access to unlimited income and generational wealth, they fly in to help you help your people! Thank you Director Orlanda Moore, Director Benson, & Sheila Liveslotravels for always leading from the front. #sacramentobusinessevent #PlanNetProud

From Three-Star Director Gregory Scott:
Raleigh, you showed up! We are separating the needs from the wants. The separation will only come to those willing to make the sacrifices.

From Three-Star Director Gregory Scott:
Last Night…Game Night in Maryland! This was our first meeting for 2022. The people were eager and in anticipation of what is going to unfold for them this year. Our leaders are going to deliver in a major way for the DC/MD/VA area. #WeArePlanNetProud