Gregory Scott
Our Maryland Super Saturday was SPECTACULAR! The PlanNet Marketing Family and their guest were overtaken with our leadership and our life changing opportunity. Stop watching this wave and get into the water! #WeArePlanNetProud #WeCanChangeYourLife #NextLevel
Eileen Ross:
Baltimore Super Saturday was SUPER! High energy and stellar training - the people were empowered!

Tanisha Burke
Packed room tonight! The people of Orlando came to learn how they can position themselves on the money making side of the travel industry and earn 8 streams of income.

From Three-Star Director Jassy Mc Bride:
Cheers to another Tuesday Night on the PlanNet with 200+ attendees! Every week we are growing and impacting faster than ever! 70,000 active business partners in over 20 countries with over $2.5 million PAID OUT by the 10th of EACH month as reported by our Founder and CEO last month🔥🔥🔥🔥 If you have ever considered an additional stream of income, having a home based online business is KEY! To have an opportunity to turn your cell phone into an ATM permitting YOU put in the work.....will change your life! Thank you again Mr. Donald Bradley for sharing your vision with us internationally! #employeetoentrepreneur #mindset #laptoplifestyle #newbeginnings 🌎