Founder & CEO Donald Bradley recently presented the Presidential Ruby Rings to Stephanie Cloutier and Preston and Imani Scott at the 6 Figure Success School in Atlanta on Saturday, April 20, 2024.
The Presidential Ruby Ring signifies earnings on an annual track of $250,000 a year.
Congratulations to our Ruby Ring earners on your outstanding accomplishments!
*Career Level Earnings are not typical. For detailed information about average Rep earnings, please view our Income Disclosure Statement here.
From Four-Star Director Stephanie Cloutier:
Have you ever woken up and thought… oh wow yesterday really DID happen, it wasn’t a dream?! 😳
I remember seeing this $250k Presidential Ruby ring in 2018 when I first found the business of travel. I honestly didn’t even consider seeing this ring on my finger one day! Back then my ultimate goal was just to make 100K per year. Basically it would be enough to replace my nursing salary! 👌 Well, that goal was met and passed. The thing about goals… Once you hit them, you set NEW ones. Many mentors told me years ago that if you work hard, be consistent and stay coachable there’s NO limit to what you can do in this industry. I’ve always been good at listening to those who have what I want to have. #SuccessLeavesClues 😉
Another thing I was taught by my mentors was something called ILT. It means you invest your time to learn something and then teach it to others. Over the last six years that approach proved worthy. 💯
Everyone says money can't buy happiness. Correct. It really can’t.
But the simple truth is that money can fund situations, opportunities and life changes that ONLY money can buy. #JustAFact #Lifestyle #timefreedom
I truly believe in the law of attraction. I have attracted an amazing group of leaders into my business over the last 6 years. They also have HUGE dreams & like HUGE goals! Being able to help lead the way for others is a true honor. It’s really what I feel my purpose is 🙏
Do you want to hear the CRAZIEST part… we are just getting started 🙌 Thank you Cindy Bruggeman & J.P. Watkins-Mukes & Jenna Burns for being part of this journey with me ❤️