PlanNet Cares Golf Classic Recap!
Thanks to everyone who supported our Golf Classic today!!! Your donation goes a long way toward supporting homeless women and children living in shelters! ~ PlanNet Cares Board Chair Deborah Bradley
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Congratulations to the winners of the PlanNet Cares Golf Classic 2023!
Tara Wilson's sponsored team: Rashaad, Marvell, Skip and Brice!

Congratulations to PlanNet Cares Golf Classic Second Place Winners: Taras Parker(pictured)
(Not Pictured) Robert Parker, Michael Parker and Kevin Rice

Congratulations to the PlanNet Cares Golf Classic 2023 Third Place Winners:
Gerald Jennings, Richard Thomas, Cedric Gibson, and Kirk Martin

Congratulations to the Longest Drive and Straightest Drive Winner: Marvell Davis (with Kwanya Martin and Ferne Sapp)!

Congratulations to the Closest to the Pin winners: Taras Parker and Rashaad Reeves (not pictured)!
See more Golf Classic photos here: Professional Photography
From PlanNet Cares President Ferne Sapp: PlanNet Cares Foundation Annual Golf Classic 2023 ⛳️ thank you to everyone who supported this event. Your donations have helped to provide essential needs for single women who are homeless with their children in shelters. A special thank you to Dr. Jerome E. King (Paramount Leadership), Sharon Falcher (Interior Design by S&S) and all of our hole sponsors, donors, and those who have raffles and giveaways. We look forward to next year’s event! #pcfgolf2023 #PlanNetCares #golfingwithacause #Homeless #SingleMothers #HelpingOthers #FreedomToGive #GivingIsTheGreatestGift
From PlanNet Cares Board Member Joy Dawkins: What a great way to raise money for our cause! I'm not really a golfer but this was sooooo much fun. And even though I wasn't playing, someone gave me keys to a golf cart! Wooohoooo! Boy do I like golf, or at least being on a golf course 🤣If you can, donate a few dollars to PlanNet Cares today. We support women and children who live in shelters and any contribution is received with thanks.❤️ #joytotheworld
From Six-Star Director Orlanda Moore: PlanNet Cares Golf Classic 2023! My flight from Houston, TX didn’t get me to Atlanta in time to tee off with everyone else, but I was still able to attend the event and spend a little time on the course with some of the golfers and PlanNet Cares organizers. Go to and support this worthy cause. #PlanNetCares #PlanNetMarketing #golfing #golflife #golftip #love #life #best #beautiful #helpingothers
From Three-Star Director Gregory Scott: Today it was all about the PlanNet Cares Foundation as we played golf in the support of homeless women living in shelters with children. We are not just creating Wealth…we are making a Way for others