PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Tasha and Kenneth Cochran to the 20/20 Club! Tasha shares, "I am from Gary, IN and my husband, Kenneth, is from Memphis, TN where we currently reside. Our interests are spending time with our family and traveling the world. My husband and I have been traveling for over 20 years. We would take the kids to different waterparks and amusement parks every year. Our children are now 25, 21, 18 and 16. My husband and I would take trips for us to relax and enjoy each other’s company every year. We still do that now lol. People would reach out to me and ask me to prepare their family vacations and I felt I needed more certificates to ensure I would plan properly. My husband knew a young lady who was already in this and we reached out to her and that’s when she introduced this amazing opportunity to us. We turned our passion into a family business.
"My Husband and I remain coachable and teachable and we continue to plug in. This has allowed us to learn more, earn more and save more. We take what we learned and show our team as well as others how to achieve the same thing. Our techniques are to remember why you started. Be coachable and teachable. Always stay plugged in to educate yourself and your team. Fortune is definitely in the follow-up. ALWAYS FOLLOW UP WITH YOUR PROSPECT!
"Get to know the people you bring into your organization. Never leave your team to figure it out on their own. Keep working with your frontline and downline. Help them get their first four to quickly see a return on their investment. Last but not least, Never Miss an Event You Are Qualified to Attend.
"My husband and I wake up every morning and listen to the Inspirational Morning Vitamin to get the affirmations and vitamins to activate our mindset. We stop counting people out. Even if this opportunity is not for them now, they still need to hear about it. We follow the other leaders and duplicate them on a daily basis.
"A fun fact about me: I've always searched for ways to help people and my family. I’ve always been a hustler. My husband and I both enjoy helping people and enjoy seeing others win.This opportunity has offered us the same opportunity to become the first millionaires in our family and we won't stop until that has been achieved. We have the opportunity to be in the room with other millionaires who were once ordinary people just like us and give us the same opportunities as them. Never have we experienced anything like this. PlanNet is our family now. We will forever serve the PlanNet because we are PlanNet Proud."