Meet New 20/20 Club Members Gail and Bill Bertrand!

Also One-Star Director!

PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Gail and Bill Bertrand to the 20/20 Club! They tell us, "We are ambitious entrepreneurs hailing from Dallas Texas. With a burning passion for entrepreneurship and travel, we believe in embracing life to the fullest and making every moment count. We joined PlanNet Marketing in October of 2024.

"As world travelers and advocates for financial independence, we have discovered our true calling in the dynamic realm of PlanNet Marketing by leveraging the proven systems that are both effective and easily duplicatable.

"The beauty of PlanNet Marketing lies in its simplicity and ease of replication. With a well-established framework in place, success becomes attainable for anyone who is willing to put in the effort. By sharing the same strategies and principles with others, we can create a powerful network of like-minded individuals who are all pursing their entrepreneurial dreams and supporting one another along the way."

