PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Corella and Roderick Sparks to the 20/20 Club! Corella and Roderick currently reside in San Antonio, TX.
Roderick tells us, "I am from Marshall, TX. My interests include movies, listening to music, traveling, computers and gaming. Being a Veteran, I was able to visit many countries like Germany, Spain, Dubai, Afghanistan and Iraq. Corella and I spent an anniversary in Spain and Africa. What's helped us become successful has definitely been keeping God first, staying consistent, plugging in and Duplication, Duplication, Duplication! Never forget your 'why.' Fun fact: I love to build computers!"
Corella tells us, "I’m from the small town of Gilmer, TX. I love cruising, spending time with my family and church family, shopping, movies and eating at different restaurants every chance I get. PlanNet has made the way for our family and it has connected us with new families! We are able to do more financially than before. Those who are striving to reach their goal, we say to you don’t quit! Keep going! The no’s will come; take them and keep planting the seed and God will give the increase! As a fun fact, I love being a grandmother of four!"