Meet New 20/20 Club Members Artrese and Roland Lyles!
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PlanNet Marketing Welcomes Three New 20/20 Club Members!

PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Artrese and Roland Lyles to the 20/20 Club! "Hello, I am Artrese and my husband is Roland Lyles. We currently reside in Orange, NJ. We are the parents of eight children and 15 grandchildren (14 of which are 10 years and younger). I enjoy reading, studying and listening to music. Roland enjoys listening to music and watching movies. We both love to travel and have been on over eight cruises and visited multiple hotels and resorts.
"Roland and I are achieving our success in this business by staying mindful that we have to show up in order for us to prosper. We stay plugged in consistently and attend events that we are qualified to attend. I read all of the personal development books that are recommended and most importantly, we stay connected with our Director Jimease Bailey. We follow her coaching, we follow her leadership and we follow her.
"Roland and I will continue to make the sacrifices and are prepared to miss birthday parties, graduations, and weddings if they don't plan it around our schedule (wink wink). Roland and I learned early on not to give excuses when we don't hit our goals. If we miss a goal, we are reminded to increase our efforts. Whenever we are faced with Nos and rejections, we don't allow ourselves to have a pity party. We just keep it moving.
"Fun facts about us: I absolutely love playing tickle monster with all my grandchildren and enjoy hearing them scream when I turn off the lights and chase them around the house to tickle them. Roland is a DJ and absolutely loves composing music."