PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Nicole Waters to the 20/20 Club! Nicole currently resides in Cary, NC. She tells us, "I am a mother of five beautiful daughters, a grandmother of 3 girls and a new and only grandson. I’m the wife of retired SFC Spencer D. Waters of the United States Army. I’m a pretty cool, laid back, very family-oriented, fun, loving, nurturing Christian woman who loves to sing, travel, craft, enjoy the outdoors, meeting new people and am very active in my church. I’ve been traveling since I was a young child, and being a military spouse, my family and I have had the opportunity to see and travel the world! I’d like to travel all the more but only this time earning a paycheck while doing it.
"People say I have a knack for the business. I just saw the opportunity and knew I wanted to help others get on board and earn additional streams of income outside of what they’re currently doing, so I ran with it. I’d like to think my special tip as to why I’ve quickly become so successful is because I believe in treating people the way I want to be treated! Showing support, being encouraging and not just signing them up and leaving them hanging out to dry. I believe my drive, determination and excitement is what also grabs the attention of my prospects and future business partners. Just be yourself and exclaim why you joined the business; if you’re not excited about what you’re doing, then no one else will be. I love the businesses/company and everything it stands for. My goal is to help as many families as I can gain personal freedom, time freedom and financial freedom as well as to help them travel and start living more while leaving a legacy for their families. My current goal is DIRECTORSHIP!"