PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Mariko Lewis to the 20/20 Club! Mariko is from Cleveland, Ohio and currently resides in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. "I love to travel, read, cook, and spend time with my family. I've traveled all over the United States, the Bahamas a couple of times, and Canada.
"I am achieving success at PlanNet Marketing by staying plugged in and connected to top leadership. I don't miss an IMV, team meetings, or trainings. I read books such as 'Your First Year in Network Marketing' and 'Building an Empire' and stay close to my mentor and coach, Natalie Graham. I also attended Convention shortly after starting this business. I have intentionally built relationships with my sideline business partners who encourage and support me. When you start this business, you need to realize that you are in business for yourself, but not by yourself. Take ownership of this opportunity, log into your back office, and click around...you won't break anything I promise, and you will learn where everything is located such as events, trainings, and marketing videos.
"Some interesting facts about me are that I am a Criminal Defense Investigator full-time in the government sector, have a Master's Degree in Criminal Justice Administration, own a brick and mortar self-defense products business, and am a mom of five boys (ages 1, 3, 14, 15, and 22). My oldest is graduating from Tuskegee University (major: Finance) this spring. I say all of this to say, I am achieving success in this business on a part-time basis and you can too!"