PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Lesley-Ann Merrick to the 20/20 Club! Lesley-Ann tells us, "I am from Manchester but now live with my husband and three children in Gloucestershire (UK). I have always been interested in travel and it was also the subject I studied at University....I knew one day it might come in handy! My other interests are music, in particular jazz, fitness and of course travelling with my family. I have lived and worked in both Spain and Taiwan before I started a family.
"From the beginning of my journey I decided to jump in fully, and I have consistently worked on my business everyday for the last six months. I have leveraged off my team members, plugged in to every call and attended events in London and Orlando. I also make time to read; I would definitely recommend Go Pro (Eric Worre), I Dare You (Fraser Brookes) and Beach Money (Jordan Adler) as a good starting point. I definitely also try to be 'me' when I am talking to people about the business and try to relate to them in an authentic way. I am now helping my team also grow and I absolutely love the friendships I am making in this wonderful business.
"Fun facts:
I used to teach children English in Taiwan but definitely suffered from culture shock during my time there!
I stopped watching TV when I decided to go all in with the business and I do not miss it.
I love to cook and before this I owned my own catering business."