Meet New 20/20 Club Member Julia Pratt!

PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Julia Pratt to the 20/20 Club! Julia tells us, "I am from Springfield, a community outside of Palestine, Texas, but I currently live in Athens, TX. My interests include all things basketball and baseball. I'm a big sports fan, especially if kids or grandkids are playing!! I love to sew but don't have a lot of time to do that right now. I love all things travel. I have several destinations on my bucket list but Italy is the top for me. My travel experiences are US-based other than going to Mexico. I have been to over half of the states in the US. My dad and I planned each 14-day trip every year. Memories that last a lifetime.
"I am achieving success because I set small and large goals for myself and push every day. I work 50 hours a week in home health still but I do this while doing that and on the weekends. I think the goals help me have something to look forward to and also when I meet them before the time I gave myself, it makes me push harder. I have huge faith in Jesus and understand His timing. I stay positive and give positivity and support to my team. Follow-up and closing the sale are the biggest things that people forget about. They are the key. Life is busy and so many times I've done follow-ups where the person forgot to get back to me and is ready to sign. Not getting discouraged and realizing it's about numbers and timing is what I always remind my team. Keep pushing and working hard and it will come.
"My fun fact is I am part American Indian. My great grandmother x 4 or 5 was Pocahontas, but I love all things Italian: the food, the culture, the history. I have also studied Amercian Indian history as well. I love Shakespeare and classical music. All things sunflower!!"