Meet New 20/20 Club Member Judy Sumpter!

PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Judy Sumpter to the 20/20 Club! Judy tells us, "I was born in Illinois. At the age of 15, my family moved to the small town of Bismarck, Missouri where I currently reside. I have an adult son, daughter and seven grandchildren, whom I love dearly!

"I am a born entrepreneur! I love coming up with ideas and trying new things. For many years, I painted and refurbished furniture as a hobby. Then three years ago I invested in a house with my best friend. We completely rehabbed it and turned it into a lovely French historic district Airbnb in the beautiful town of Ste. Genevieve, Missouri. It has been a huge success. For our next adventure, I suggested that we start breeding AKC poodles and this has been a FUN and rewarding job!!! But above all, I love to TRAVEL and when I heard about PlanNet Marketing I jumped at the chance to start this business. And as always, my best friend fully supported me and became my first business partner!!  

"I’ve been to all 50 states, except Oregon (how did I miss that one?) I think Alaska is one of the most beautiful destinations in the world; however, I’m addicted to the Caribbean! I love the beautiful teal water and gorgeous beaches.

"If I could give any tip to other Reps, it would be to have PASSION! I think if you make something your top priority you can achieve anything. I don’t take no for an answer, I just look for another way to make it happen. I truly believe if there’s a will, there’s a way! I love sharing my enthusiasm with my team and encouraging them to grow in their business. 

"At the end of the year, I am retiring from my full-time Accountant position with the State of Missouri and plan to become a beach bum!!! So hopefully, I’ll see you on the beaches!"


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