Meet New 20/20 Club Member Jenna Chandonnet!

PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Jenna Chandonnet to the 20/20 Club! Jenna is from Monroe, Michigan where she currently lives. Jenna tells us, "We had previously lived in Alaska for two years and that is where our daughter was born. I am a stay-at-home mom who enjoys traveling, working out, trying new recipes, and of course, coffee!
"My husband and I have travelled a lot within the United States from spontaneous trips to Maine for lobster and fall colors, driving around the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to see as many waterfalls as we could on our first wedding anniversary, and traveling all around Alaska when we lived there. My favorite experience was seeing the Northern Lights multiple times. Each time it is a totally different experience.
"I started with PlanNet Marketing almost eleven months ago and immediately plugged into the training and started taking action right away. I didn't wait for anyone to give me all the directions, just started implementing what I saw. My biggest tip for those just starting is to take action right away – don't wait because then your fears and doubts will keep you from taking action. On top of that, be consistent day in and day out with the daily actions that grow your business. It's the consistent action over time that compounds and creates massive momentum which leads inevitably to success. I was able to grow my following from less than 1,000 to 54,000 in just three months by being consistent with posting on my wall once a day and posting three reels a day. The reels conisted of one of me talking and two remixes with other creators. I did the talking reels around business tips and cruises. I did the remixes around travel, toddler mom tips, and recipes because I was focused on attracting other people just like me! While doing that for three months, one of my reels went viral and I started to consistently gain followers. I then started to convert those followers into travel agents. My biggest piece of advice is to just be YOURSELF – don't try to be someone else, because then you are going to attract people you can't connect with and therefore won't be successful."