Meet New 20/20 Club Member Jamie Tarr!

PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Jamie Tarr to the 20/20 Club! She tells us, "I am originally from New Sharon, Iowa (a small town of 1200 people). I now live in Ankeny, Iowa with my husband, Greg. My full-time job for the past 10 years has been working for the State of Iowa. My current role is a Probation/Parole Officer. However, some of the best experiences I can share about my life are my experiences that I have had with my husband. Our hobbies are nearly the same (traveling, craft beer festivals and music). The area of my life that is unusual, but very incredible, is my love and dedication to defensive tactics. I have been a Statewide Instructor since 2014 and find great passion in helping others learn to defend themselves.
"Now, who am I really? I am a person who has traveled to over 51 countries in the past 17 years. My travel experiences started when I was a sophomore in college. My first overseas flight was 23 hours to Australia. Once I took that journey, I knew traveling was for me. My senior year in college I did Semester at Sea (10 countries in three months while earning nine college credits). Following college, I joined the Peace Corps and lived in Moldova (Eastern Europe). This just expanded my travels and made me desire to see and experience the world even more. At this time my goal is to get to 100 countries by the time I am 50 years old (currently 35).
"How does all this connect to PlanNet Marketing? That's an easy connection. My growth and love for this company strictly comes from my love for travel. I can truly say this company has allowed me to do what I love the most on such a broader level than I ever expected. Something that is so encouraging to me is how people have seen my travel adventures and have followed my story. This has inspired them enough to walk with me side-by-side in this business.
"To make a final statement, I will say this, 'Not all those who wander are lost.' ~J.R.R Tolkien"