PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Gemma Beeston to the 20/20 Club! Gemma tells us, "I live in Manchester (UK) with my amazing husband, Doug, and our little white puppy, Noah. I was born here and have grown up here, apart from when I moved away for University – I studied International Business at Loughborough (always knew travel was in my bones!) I love to explore and adventure – I never sit still!! Obviously it goes without saying that travel is right up there – I just love experiencing new places and new things… I am always my happiest on a beach watching a beautiful sunset. I’m super passionate about wellness and having balance in life too, which is what drives me from a business perspective – I'm truly committed to creating a life that allows us the time freedom to do everything we love and to really live life to the fullest. I also love my pilates, cold water dips, dog walks, meals out – all the normal things!!
"I've always had a bit of an entrepreneurial streak in me… my day ‘job’ now is a property investor. However, I used to work in the corporate world as a Recruiter for Kelloggs – but I left that behind eight years ago when we started to invest in property full time. We now have a portfolio of rental houses around Manchester. Five years ago we also started a successful candle subscription box company, which we sold in 2022.
"I was extremely fortunate that growing up we travelled a lot as a family – we experienced some beautiful parts of the world: Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Caribbean, Dubai, America… and also lots of places closer to home around Europe. We were also extremely lucky that we had a holiday home in the South of France in a gorgeous place called Port Grimaud (it is built on waterways just like Venice!) My favourite holidays were always Disney and at the age of 36, we still go on family holidays to Florida and Paris! Since meeting my now husband, we have also travelled a lot – Thailand, Maldives, Canaries, Balearics, France, Belgium, USA, Spain, Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Denmark, Dubai, Cape Verde… and more recently we have actually done a six-month trip around Europe in a motorhome! We sold our house at the end of 2022 and in May 2023 we bought a motorhome (never been in one before) and decided to go on an adventure. The three of us (dog included) spent July - Dec last year driving around Europe in our home on wheels – it was the most incredible experience of our lives. We went to France, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia and Croatia. This year we have more plans to continue travelling in the van… we just haven’t quite decided where yet!!
"I am truly in love with this opportunity, I am loving being a part of it. I feel so grateful to have found it and I am so excited to share it with everyone and anyone who will listen. I am also super lucky to have a fantastic mentor and community around me – I've been so inspired by everyone’s stories and have soaked up every bit of advice and info they have passed on! I don’t think I’m doing anything ground breaking, I’m literally just following the process and talking to people and telling them what an incredible opportunity it is. The opportunity speaks for itself, everyone loves to talk about holidays and travel – I am just spreading the word!
"A fun fact about me is that when I was in school I won a competition on the Disney channel to be in the Spice Girls!! I was Baby Spice and filmed a clip that was played on repeat on the Disney Channel over and over for months!!"