PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Catherine Johnson to the 20/20 Club! Catherine tells us, "I’m from Marlow, a Thames riverside town in Buckinghamshire, UK. I’m a busy mum of two who is committed to creating a beautiful life for her family. My background is in the hairdressing industry and I was looking for a way to earn alongside this role as it was becoming too physically demanding on me. I have now put down my hairdressing tools as my PlanNet business has taken off so successfully!
"I joined PlanNet back in November 2022 as a way to assist my network with their travel plans and get paid for it! I have recommended this incredible opportunity over and over because I’m so passionate about experiences over things. The wonderful people within my team are all benefiting from the PlanNet opportunity in ways that align to their circumstances. That’s what’s so special about what Mr Bradley has created. My company is called Experience the Air Way – create a life where you can take more time to breathe! Life was made for living, and we get to create an income through living. Modern life can feel so stifling – I believe it’s important that we stop suffocating ourselves and spend time doing what we truly love, with those we love.
"Alongside my travel and marketing businesses, I now support children in a learning support assistance role at a wonderful local secondary school, enabling children with additional needs to access mainstream school. I’ve wanted to do this sort of thing for many years. I do this alongside my highly successful at home business which I feel hugely privileged to be doing. This role is so poorly paid, it’s not something that I felt I’d be able to afford to do because, I’ll be honest, I enjoy the finer things in life! Creating my lucrative business has enabled me to assist at the school, which fills my heart with joy and satisfaction.
"My soul homes are Ibiza, Barbados and the mountains. I adore nature. I’m fortunate to live in one of the most beautiful countrysides in the south of the UK and I love travelling the globe experiencing what nature has to offer around the world. My bucket list destinations are Costa Rica, New Zealand and Japan. My business is enabling me to travel more, to further destinations and create precious moments with my family.
"My team and I have travelled all over the world – from luxury family resorts in Greece, to ski resorts in the Alps and USA, safaris in Africa and the most sensational islands of the Maldives. We've been on cruises, we’ve been whale watching… the list goes on and on!! We’ve enjoyed West End theatre productions, experienced airport lounges, luxury private transfers, excursions and so much more. This business has changed the way we travel and the experiences we have with our loved ones. As I write this, I have clients in Singapore, Bali, France, London and Florida. Knowing that I’ve created these special trips for them makes me so very happy! What a feel good industry to be part of.
"Fun travel fact: One of my favourite memories was many many years ago on a speed boat on the water, up close to the Hoover Dam in the Grand Canyon! I must’ve been around 20 years old and that moment gave me such a buzz – it filled me with excitement to continue to get out and experience the world. It’s an incredible planet, and there’s so much more to explore. 
"I’m thrilled to have reached 20/20 within PlanNet Marketing. The most incredible business opportunity that is changing my life!"