PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Caroline Hill to the 20/20 Club! Caroline shares, "I’m originally from Essex and I live in London with my partner and two-year-old daughter, Sadie. I have been an actress for over 15 years and have loved my career performing in London's West End and touring productions! I even worked on a Royal Caribbean ship performing in the show Hairspray (quite a few years ago now!) I loved waking up in a different Caribbean Island every couple of days! I love travelling and seeing new places, so it was a great job to have!
"I have loved getting involved with PlanNet Marketing as I’m naturally a sociable person and obviously love travelling! My business has grown pretty quickly and I put this down to two things. Firstly, I think putting helping others at the heart of what we do and genuinely wanting to see others succeed is so important. Secondly, establishing your ‘why,’ your reason behind it all and what keeps you going, is really going to help. For me, it’s continuing to create a better life for my family and to show my daughter all around the world!"