PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Alysha Pinnigar to the 20/20 Club! Alysha tells us, "I live in London with my husband and two amazing children. I have been a Senior Marketing Director for various global fashion brands for the past 20 years, before I set up a marketing consultancy two years ago. I now specialise in travel as well as fashion. I love laughing, dancing and yoga, and am always up for a new challenge or adventure. I am also training to be a pilates teacher specialising in women's health, trying to help women keep their minds and bodies strong.
"I am very lucky that all of my professional roles have involved managing international marketing teams across the world. As well as working in the main fashion cities, I have also had the privilege to work across the US, Asia and Europe. Hong Kong and Moscow are a few stand out trips.
"Before having children my husband and I loved travelling the world – highlights include our honeymoon to Mauritius, travelling around Thailand before we bought our first house, celebrating my 21st birthday at Disney World Orlando, my 30th birthday in Cuba and getting engaged in New York. My parents are Jamaican and Indian respectively, and having travelled to both of these incredibly special and different countries has strongly influenced the person I am today. I am very fortunate that my parents travelled with my brothers and I during our childhood, encouraging us to experience different cultures. My brother and my parents were the first to join my travel team!
"I am grateful that having an online travel business has enabled me to give the gift of travel to my children, and after three amazing vacations this year, I was ready to share this incredible opportunity with all of my friends and family.
"It took me six months to navigate my online travel business before I embarked on a Rep business with PlanNet Marketing. I am in a hugely supportive team and the start of my marketing journey coincided with the team launching a September bootcamp. The daily coaching, training and value sharing was invaluable to giving my team a kick-start. I attend every call and soak up all the advice, tips and recommendations from the senior leaders in the US and UK business.
"Attending the conference in London in October was the second boost I needed, seeing the Directors on the stage, I knew I was going to be on that stage. I went from Bronze to 20/20 in 12 weeks and I’m running all the way to that first star. What I didn’t expect to gain from this business is the comradery and friendship. It is motivating and inspiring having such hardworking and focused team members and business partners.
"I am not a sales person but I am a marketer, and I did spend a lot of time shaping my story and working on my mindset before I reached out to the extensive warm list I had built up over my career. Sharing this opportunity with my friends gives me so much joy. My friends and ex colleagues are now my business partners, we get to talk about travel all day – there is no better job in the world! I am passionate about sharing this opportunity with my global network.
"A fun fact about me is that at age 11 my parents allowed me to travel alone on a short plane journey to visit a family friend in Ireland. I am led to believe this was normal in the 1990s! I remember wearing a name board around my neck and the air hostesses looking after me – I thought I was very grown up. I believe this experience contributed to me being such an independent traveller!
"I also applied to MI5 after university! Needless to say I wasn’t accepted; however, I think I have a much cooler job now!"