Meet New 20/20 Club Member Althea Harrison!

PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Althea Harrison to the 20/20 Club! Althea is from Baltimore, Maryland and currently resides in Richmond, Virginia. She tells us, "My interests are traveling and singing in my choir and helping others in whatever capacity I can.

"My travel experiences include traveling in Europe, Asia and the South Pacific as well as many states in the US. My husband, George Harrison, is a retired military veteran. 

"The tips and techniques for my success in PlanNet include staying plugged in, reading, the amazing coaches I have, Director Ciena Railey and One-Star Jodi Landry as well as many others. I also attend the live events including the convention, which is off the chain. 

"A fun fact about myself is I am very adventuresome. I have ziplined, snorkeled in the caves in Fiji and kayaked, and I don't know how to swim except under water when I am holding my breath lol!"

