Meet New 20/20 Club Member Alexandra Palmer!

PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Alexandra Palmer to the 20/20 Club! Alexandra is from South London, England, and currently lives in Coulsdon, Surrey. She tells us, "My interests include travel, moonology, yoga - breaking away from conventional work methods to live a more free life. I have travelled A LOT; I took 1.5 years out to travel far east and southeast Asia. I’m now back travelling again for four months with my little family.
"I am achieving success at PlanNet Marketing because I speak from the most honest sincere place and the people who have joined trust that signing up to this incredible travel platform is a great thing! it has changed my life, given me hope, given me freedom and all I want is to do the same for others. To break away from the hard slog of conventional work, to be able to work around my two young boys and show them the world, the cultures that set this world alive and to show them respect of others and other ways of living. I share on my Instagram stories mainly and sell this incredible platform. I explain my whys and what this platform has done for me. I share soooo much when I travel and everyone is so interested at that point too.
"A fun fact about me is that I read cards to help people with their soul life purpose. I love doing this – I strongly believe we all came to this one life to give it your best shot, and this company allows you to do that. I’m going to the top! We all can, I’ll see you all there – Directors incoming. ✨ I have two boys under three and adore motherhood;, I needed a job that would work around them and this really does. Thank you."