PlanNet Marketing welcomes Tarteskikar Boyd to the 20/20 Club! Tarteskikar is from, Andrews, South Carolina and currently lives in Suffolk, Virginia. She tells us, "Travel has been my family's lifestyle for over two decades. We were blessed to start our children traveling while they were in diapers. We are culture-driven, which helped us understand the importance of introducing our four sons to travel and the value of collecting memories versus tangible things, at very early ages. This opportunity has afforded us greater ways to earn and save while improving our travel lifestyle. We believe we are blessed to be a blessing, so sharing this wonderful opportunity comes easily to me.
"I enjoy networking, meeting new people and sparking conversations. My husband has always said I had a special gift that attracts people to me. I meet people where they are and allow them to be who they are while helping them evolve into who they desire to be. I've been in leadership in my healthcare career for almost two decades. I pride myself in knowing that I'm only as good as my team. Together, along with The Most High, we will achieve everything our hearts desire.
"I protect my energy and I spend it wisely. My family is first and I struggle greatly with being asked to sacrifice anything that pertains to my family. I sacrifice many things, but family time isn't one of them. My sons are my life and nothing on this earth is more meaningful to me. Leaving them a legacy is one of my heart's desires.
"SEE THE VISION!! TRUST THE VISION!! WORK THE VISION!! Our leaders are the evidence that our goals are obtainable. They have chopped the weeds and paved the dirt roads for us. They lit the lamps so that we can easily follow their trails to success. Stay connected to the power sources so that you can keep your lanterns lit, making it easy for trails to be followed. Remind yourself daily that someone is watching and learning from you. Be the evidence you wish for someone to learn and follow.
"A seed produces after its own kind. Whatever you plant, water and ask God to provide sun and it will grow. But remember, you must nurture that seed and remove the weeds. Be patient and don't expect it to sprout up overnight. It takes time and much faith in that seed that it will become what it's meant to be.
"Travel sells itself. Just one word of it brightens a conversation. Get the information in front of people, then allow the process to work itself out."