PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Andorine Hamilton to the 20/20 Club! She tells us, “I was born in a small farming community of Round Hill and now live in Montego Bay, Jamaica. I'm a wife and a mom of two beautiful kids who keep me motivated. I've been laid off since February 2021 and am working this business full time now.
“I'm very passionate about traveling and helping people travel the world, creating those long-lasting memories with their families and friends. Being from a small town, I was blessed to have a job that allowed me to travel since the age of 18 working as a nanny and also in the travel industry for over 15 years. So when I found out I would OWN my own travel business, I was super excited. My travel experiences along with my bucket list have definitely increased.
“I'm truly thankful for the PlanNet Marketing community as this is completely new to me and I was even a bit skeptical as well; however, I decided to step out on faith and start interacting with more people. Now, I no longer wait for a response....nope....I do my follow up and continue to reach out to people on a daily basis. One thing that has really helped me is to realise that everyone you are FRIENDS with now were once strangers, so that really helps me get out of my way and keep showing the plan to help another family start their journey to financial and time FREEDOM!
“So continue doing your daily method of operation and persist, and put in the work until you reach your goal. ALWAYS remember your WHY for starting this business opportunity and remain coachable; also, align with the people whose position you would like to be in in the near future.
“I'm all about adventure and fun when it comes to travelling. I enjoy family time and watching comedy shows. Being challenged is inevitable, being defeated is optional...let's go team!!