PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Aaron Mason to the 20/20 Club! Aaron is from Atlanta, Georgia. He tells us, “I am a real estate business owner, movie writer, and music producer. I currently have two trademarks in the music industry. I love to travel, and my experiences in travel have always been amazing! My interests are helping as many families as I can have financial freedom and growing a massive team in the PlanNet Marketing organization.
“I have achieved my goals by praying and keeping the faith, knowing that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. My tips are:
Trust God and have the God kind of Faith.
Always pray before you start your day.
Walk through the door of success and understand the process.
See your accomplishments fully fulfilled.
Treat every prospect as your family and not a stranger.
“I pray all the time and I keep Jesus and God in my heart every day. I believe staying focused will always allow you to win faster. I believe understanding the process on all levels will keep you in the winning zone. I believe if you catch the pass and run, you can win. I have achieved so quickly because I don't believe in giving up.
“A fun fact about me is that I love spending time with my family. I'm currently working on the Rhythm & Christian - R&C Music Awards that have been trademarked in the United States of America. The show will take place in Atlanta, Georgia this year in 2022. I love to produce and record albums and shoot movies. These are a few of the many things I love to do.”