The 2023 Las Vegas Leadership Summit held January 19 - 21, 2023 at Resorts World Las Vegas was filled with PlanNet Reps ready for the momentum! The Summit included a Welcome Reception/Cocktail Party at the Eight Cigar Lounge, Moments with Millionaires, Trainings, a Leadership Dinner, friends, fellowship, food, networking and fun! Enjoy these comments and photos from this amazing and inspiring event!
From PlanNet Marketing Rep Vickie B. Turner:
PlanNet Marketing Leadership Summit in Vegas. CEO Donald Bradley spoke the vision, made it plain and now the hearers (The 300) are running to Momentum.#plannetmarketing#Vegas
From Three-Star Director DeJoiré Benson:
About last night…PlanNet Marketing Cocktail Party. You should’ve been here! Day 1 of 3! #PlanNetMarketing #Leaders #WeCanChangeYourLife
From PlanNet Marketing President & CFO Andy Cauthen:
With 300 of PlanNet Marketing's outstanding leaders at the Leadership Summit in Las Vegas!
From One-Star Director Patrycya Williams:
“A lot of people understand the SCIENCE of leadership, but can’t perform the ART of leadership!” ~ General Orlanda Moore
From Two-Star Director LaDonna Spratley:
Wrapping Up: What better way to kick off 2023 in Business than at the PlannetMarketing's Leadership Summit in Las Vegas with 300 warriors! PREPARE FOR THE GLORY ✨️ I WILL RISE UP! ✨️Surround yourself with the like minded. ✨️Show Up for Your Success. ✨️Seize the Moment & the Opportunity. The Training was fresh and spectacular 🙌 Outstanding presentations Ferne Sapp JP Watkins Natalie Graham Orlanda Moore Shedrick White Donald Bradley My Leadership and PlanNet IQ has increased! #lasvegasleadershipsummit #300warriors #PlanNetMarketing #leadersunited
From Six-Star Director Natalie Graham:
Today I spoke about LEADERSHIP to 300 hungry individuals ✨✨ #PlanNetMarketing
From Four-Star Director Ferne Sapp:
Let the SUMMIT begin! Last night’s Welcome Reception was an amazing time of connection with people who came to ascend to another level in life and in business. I’m looking forward to the weekend. It’s a SUMMIT. An immersive agenda. A time for leaders united. 300! What a privilege and honor to be able to serve this weekend in our Corporate Leadership Summit. I’m so incredibly humbled. Thank you Mr. Donald Bradley for your vision and desire to see the people win! Thank you for showing us the importance of “marching for our land, marching for our families, and marching for our freedoms!” 300 !It was really just that amazing! #300 #LeadersUnited
From Three-Star Director Keyona Gregory:
When GOD is ready to #Elevate you, He'll surround you with Next-Level People‼️🙌🏾❣️
From Four-Star Director Cindy Bruggeman:
The last few days in Vegas at our Leadership Summit have been so uplifting. Just what I needed to fire me up even more! It’s time to put some dates on my goals and get em done🔥🙌💯 #nextlevel #300 #bettertogether #project4000
From PlanNet Marketing Rep Shelley Waller:
It's impossible to describe what the last 3 days have been like. Being coached by our outstanding leadership team was humbling. Our founder and CEO leads with a passion for FREEDOM... 👉🏻Freedom of time 👉🏻Freedom of money 👉🏻Freedom of choice. He teaches principles of being debt free, caring for those we shepherd and honoring the culture of our company. A culture where people come before money. A culture that desires for everyone to be money wise. In fact Mr. Bradley said "pay your bills" a couple dozen times this weekend. A culture built on hard work and earned recognition. I knew when I started my business I was in the right place but each time I'm blessed to be in the presence of Mr. Bradley and our founding directors, three of whom are millionaires, I'm left speechless. Speechless from their passion, their willingness to teach and coach others, their desire to see others succeed, and their desire to give glory where it is due, the Lord himself. I'm thankful I invested in my business and myself this week, to study under those who have paved the way. We laughed, we cried, we ate, we drank and we learned.... Now to apply the wisdom!! #honoredtobeoneofthe300 #PlanNetMarketing #PlanNetProud
From Three-Star Director Jassy Mc Bride:
Vegas Leadership Conference complete! What a powerful couple of days with 300 Goal Getters! Time to triple THE WORK! #AllGasNoBreaks 💰💰💰💰
From Three-Star Director Joy Dawkins:
I've been remiss, so let me share some pictures from our Leadership Summit in Vegas!💯It was absolutely incredible! 🔥 From the reception at the very popular Eight Cigar Bar to intensely empowering training to parties and networking... my goodness, THIS IS WHERE YOU HAVE TO BE! ✔️ #joytotheworld #ICanChangeYourLife #sixandsevenfigures
From PlanNet Marketing Rep KeJohnna Owens:
When you get to mix and mingle with multiple figure millionaires and millionaires in the making, you're definitely mixing and mingling in the right business, with the right people, at the right time... Especially when they're there to support you and make sure that you've got next... #WatchWhatGodDo #GrindPays
From Three-Star Director Gregory Scott:
What a great welcome reception to start the 2023 PlanNet Marketing Leadership Retreat in Las Vegas at a private event at the “8” Cigar Lounge at the Resorts World. We are building something special through Reconnecting…Fellowship…Collaboration! PlanNet Marketing Leadership Summit: When leaders come together to cultivate a community, the end result will be a movement! #The300 #WeArePlanNetProud #WeCanChangeYourLife
From Three-Star Director Kwanya Martin:
You can't WIN with LAZY! ~ Donald Bradley #LeadershipSummit2023 #PlanNetProud #PlanNetStrong
From Three-Star Director Tawanda Shamley:
When you are around champions, you can’t help but win!! #plannetproud #2023isouryear #leadership #PlanNetMarketing
From One-Star Director Maria Richardson:
This weekend 300 Leaders came together and committed to push PlanNet Marketing into momentum! Real champions don’t make excuses if you can’t ever make it , you can NEVER make it! ~You can’t win with lazy~ Donald Bradley #ConnectionIsKey #PostureUp #PlanNetMarketing #PlanNetProud #MomentumIsComing
From Two-Star Director MaryEllen Poellnitz:
PlanNet Marketing 300 Leadership Conference ~ This is the group of individuals (Champions) (Leaders) who will help take the company into momentum #VegasBound #PinningCeremony #teamworkmakesthedreamwork Thank you Mr. Donald Bradley Thank you Mrs. Deborah Bradley #indefatigable #Tuh
From One-Star Director Danielle Galante:
Can’t even begin to tell you what a phenomenal time we had this weekend in Vegas at our Leadership Summit. The training, the events, the conversation... Next level. Be in the right place at the right time and surround yourself with the right people.#winning #relationships #legacy #vegas #leadership #money #business #entrepreneurlife #wealth #freedom #changinglives #movement
From Three-Star Director Denesha Bailey:
PlanNet Marketing Leadership Summit in Vegas was powerful beyond my imagination. I'm excited about what's about to happen. #Project100k.
From Three-Star Director Patricia Johnson:
Last weekend I attended our PlanNet Marketing Leadership Summit #300. The nuggets, the fellowship, the camaraderie, the testimonies, the luxury, the fun and the food!! I can help so many more people with the knowledge I gained over one long weekend. Thank you Donald Bradley, my favorite CEO, for all that you do to ensure not only the success of your company but all that you do to guide my own personal success and the success of my team!!! 🥰🥰🥰 All I can say is we work hard and play hard!! Our CEO set the tone of the weekend with a first class event on Thursday night… cigars, drinks, food and fun… My team and I had a ball, definitely our scene! #PlanNetProud
From Two-Star Director LaDonna Spratley:
Everything was New! The Energy, Training, and Collaboration ✨️✨️ 300 Leaders United! #Reset #PlanNetMarketing
TRAININGS - JANUARY 20 & 21, 2023